You guys should head out to Beerwah state forest! Heaps of space out ther and as long as u have rego-rec.rego your allowed out ther. 100s of hectares of fire trails, whindy tracks through the pine trees and some creeks. Can't find jumps yet, which r supposed to b in ther somewhere. Goin tomorrow...
Oh yea the blue one in hong kong is the same thing. I'm going for black plastics and red accents so I naturally went for the red clutch listing. All good now! Hey if u get bored and feel like making another intake manifold for the carby, let me know and I'll sling ya some $$ for one. Only if u...
Awesome movie! "Hey Tommy! Last one up the hill is a three legged dog!"
anyway, I'll buy that clutch tonight. There is a msg on eBay listing sayin they rnt there until 22feb so I'll play the waiting game. I'm using the clutch heaps in the tight winding stuff so I want something that isn't...
can anyone tell me if this Hydraulic Clutch assy. will bolt on to my blitz?
HYDRAULIC CLUTCH LEVER MASTER CYLINDER FOR PIT BIKE - eBay, Other Accessories, Motorcycle Parts, Accessories, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 26-Feb-10 01:55:52 AEDST)
I've played it on ps3 and xbox360 and I ended up buying it for 360 cos the load times are faster and controls seem to feel more responsive. If anyone else has tried it on both consoles, let me know if u found it any different. Tried playing on xbox live a few times and keeps sayin "mx vs atv...
Yea found that out the hard way the other week. Came into a corner a bit quick and almost overshot it from lack of braking power.
Anyone one this thread live in southeast qld?? Keen for a ride with a few ppl through donnybrook quarry or Coomera. Let me know.
Good Luck on the mayden voyage!!
Wld b good to c if ur chain tensioners hold up seeing as though our bike r pretty much exactly the same.
Im taking mine out this wknd for its first run with the Oko26mm. Sounds good already.:D
Just dont want it leaning out and gtn hot wen im out riding it this wknd,
My bike is exactly the same as urs. 09. same colour and all. urs is a bit cleaner but
mine was gtn hot this afternoon too... but it got hot last wknd wen i still had the original pumper carby on it.
I got a new fuel tap and put everything back together. Doesnt leak with the tap off anymore but still leaks fast wen tap is open and bike is off. Cant win em all...
might seem like a dumb question...but wen im tuning the oko 26mm on my 250blitz, am i only adjusting the air screw?? i got it idleing great and awesome response through the rev range but wen i start it with the choke on...nothing..unless i give the throttle a little twist while i kick it ova...
I only put new wadding in becoz I had some laying around. Shldnt make any difference!
Oko troubles... Does anyone have the problem where they constantly have petrol dripping out of the overflow on carby or through the airfilter wen bike isn't running?? I've contacted Oko Australia...
Cheers.. Yea I'm not too sure about altitude but with a small amount of power, I don't think it's gona make too much of a dif. I had to re-jet my kx250f wen I took it to NZ for a trek but that's alot different to sunny muggy qld!
I've removed the seat, tank and side covers and got old pumper...
my muffler had the baffle inside too but I turfed it out and put new wading in and replaced endcap. Works a treat!!
with the oko26, did u adjust the needle at all?