Recent content by coolmodee01

Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. coolmodee01

    Certified MR members list

    so certified mr members who is still a member and who still has the pitties.... i do and man baz is a legend and MR has gone to **** to bad p.s will be interested in who posts on this thread
  2. coolmodee01 For Sale

    When i get time baz i'll head your way with a shotty and some shell's and we will got and bust some clays.... it's great fun
  3. coolmodee01 For Sale

    the worst will be **** good luck with the sale this place has been a big part of all our lives and for a long time Baz your a legend mate and you have done awesome things for this site hopefully it has been worth it. p.s when are we going for a shoot
  4. coolmodee01

    Did I buy a lemon?! "lifan 148cc"

    or valve stem seals
  5. coolmodee01

    Viper series. VMX

    definitely not you jase ^^^^^^^ you fella's up there are happy to hit up the big stuff on the real bikes there's plenty down here that get all huffy about anything over 10ft long
  6. coolmodee01

    Viper series. VMX

    feed back and opinion..... first not super interested but i'd probably do the ravo round of vipers if the have one would be sick i could race the 450 as well and would be happy as pig in ****. would have to book in for wonthaggi to if they still race there start off small styv thats what we...
  7. coolmodee01

    id help

    elstar where just an ebay special it's a bse made bike similar to one of the atomiks cheap but will be some fun for a while
  8. coolmodee01

    Undera Country Championship

    might come down throw some rocks at ya jase i gotta work in the morning but will be down later
  9. coolmodee01

    Rebuilding Air Forks CRF450R

    yeah ed liked his but took ages to get his right and he had heaps of seal issues. all the pro's are getting round it but they have support. man i'm gunna try to get down for next weekend but i got another wedding in traralgon this weekend so not sure and will probably have to work. but super...
  10. coolmodee01

    Rebuilding Air Forks CRF450R

    be careful with the spring conversion baz i have seen a set of honda forks done that punched the fork ends off the forks may have been bad workmanship but it was a suspension bloke that did em cant find the pics of it Vote 1 oil forks the only real reason i wont upgrade me bike and if i do...
  11. coolmodee01

    50 nuts DVDs

    the sites actually
  12. coolmodee01

    50 nuts DVDs - This website is for sale! - extremebits Resources and Information. best place i've found to download all moto vids and they have or did have all the fiddy vids ever made i have most of em in soft copy somewhere might be able to sort something out one day let me know brother
  13. coolmodee01

    Victorian Mini MX Championships 2015

    so whats goin on i'll come down sunday for a look see and catch up who's riding i know a few local boys are gunna come bust out the 110's for a ride see ya's track side
  14. coolmodee01

    Rebuilding the family

    ye ol'de SAGA is back in town good to see ya still runnin mini's dude keeps us posted how ya been anyway
  15. coolmodee01

    Coolie's been AWOL But here's why

    cheers crew yeah i'm loving it up here man the lifestyle and everything is doing me real good. got good things coming my way and so far it's been the best move i've made. i miss ed and all you lot but once i'm set up i'll have some more time to get down there. yeah timmy there will be plans...