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  1. dunny29er

    Bottom End Upgrade's

    thanks for the replies, not sure what the front is because the bike isnt at my place but i know the rear is 41T
  2. dunny29er

    Bottom End Upgrade's

    Hi so me and my mate bought a tdr 70, i know how **** they are trust we knew what we were getting our selfs into, thats pretty much why we bought it. Its only going to be used in the back yard in a loop. Anyway we wanted it to have better bottom end, top speed isn't an issue, just want to...
  3. dunny29er


    too right, it was in feb they got stolen so it would be a miracle if i got them back anytime soon haha
  4. dunny29er

    broken tibia :(

    it sucks aye, 5-6 weeks ago i snapped growth plate in half and a piece of bone cracked off the end of the tibia (above the growth plate). Doctor didn't want to put me in a cast because within a week i had nearly full movement of the ankle, but could not put weight on it until the 4th week and...
  5. dunny29er


    yer either they are following us home or there getting their hands on the addresses. if i was gunna point my finger at anyone at appin id say the young guy with short blond hair, hes a bit of a **** and he's the most likely. but im just saying dont mean to offend him but just looks SUS.
  6. dunny29er


    what do u mean?
  7. dunny29er


    thanks man appreciate it
  8. dunny29er


    Thanks guys, we think they broke into the garage in the middle of the night. Their was a van one street over stolen and found burnt out in Mt Druit so maybe they used the van to transport the bikes ditched the van and took the bikes back to their place. But we cant be sure
  9. dunny29er


    Hey guys its been a very long time, anyway i recently bought a CRF250r 2010 3 weeks ago and only got to have 1 ride on it before both my 250 and CRF150RB 2008 were stolen from my garage on the 28th of feb. I live in seaforth and ride mostly at Appin and sometimes Mt Kembla in Wollongong. If...
  10. dunny29er

    so why are you up at 1:20 am

    coz i was watching a f***ed up movie called "The Machinist"
  11. dunny29er

    H&H ROCKSTAR Graphics for CRF150r

    just read they dont make them for 150 so dw unless someone knows otherwise or if anyone knows some sweet graphics they wanna send me (preferably rockstar ones :P)
  12. dunny29er

    H&H ROCKSTAR Graphics for CRF150r

    Hey guys wondering if anyone knows if they have these graphics for a Honda CRF150R 2008 ONE INDUSTRIES HART and HUNTINGTON ROCKSTAR HONDA GRAPHICS KIT CRF250 04-09 | eBay Thanks Dunny
  13. dunny29er

    Crf150r Header pipe

    i used a metal brush attachment to the drill took everything off looks so shiny but i asked the guy at the moto shop and he said it wont rust
  14. dunny29er

    Crf150r Header pipe

    Coz i just sanded the hole pipe so its all nice and silver and im not sure if it will rust or not
  15. dunny29er

    Crf150r Header pipe

    Hi its been a while im sure all of you are missing my annoying questions. Anyway would anyone know what kind of metal the stock crf150r header pipe be Thanks Dunny