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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. M

    Heya, name is Mschef Mayhem, new here

    Welcome to miniriders! We're glad you joined us!
  2. M

    9 year old starting

    I'm not sure on the bike, but that's great! I'm glad he's getting into it. Kids need outdoor time and they just arent getting it in a lot of homes.
  3. M

    Hello my name is THOM i am new here

    Hello Thom. Welcome to the forum.
  4. M

    Hello 👋 im brian

    Welcome to the forum.
  5. M

    Hi from the new guy

    Welcome to the forum.
  6. M

    Hi I am Gabenzz

    Hi Gabin, Thanks for joining the forum. I don't have your answer in your tires, but one of the other members should be along shortly to help you. Also, have you tried the search function to see if the topic has been covered in the past, but the answer is not showing on a front page?
  7. M


    Welcome to he community!
  8. M

    Adventurous Ride?

    Show us or tell us about your most adventurous ride, please. And if you have some photos that would be even better. I would think this would make for a good ride. Along the shore of the Gulf of Mexico.
  9. M

    How is everyone doing

    What is everyone up to? Any new projects? Rides? I'm doing this thread to check in with all of you. You can also use this thread to update everyone on how you're doing and what's keeping you busy.
  10. M

    My new Frankenstine Monster.

    Here you go, from @ToTo's post. Hope this helps.
  11. M

    Im back!

    Awesome pics! Those are cool bigger bikes you have there.
  12. M

    Has anyone Bought from him?

    Me too. And tell them where he got it. Hope you find that part this time. Just be careful.
  13. M

    Wrong Gas for a

    That's good news, Jason. I'm sure you can find a way to get rid of those leaks later. Keep the updates coming.
  14. M

    Wrong Gas for a

    Hey, what route did you take? Did you get this figured out?
  15. M

    Has anyone Bought from him?

    Oh man, so sorry to hear about it! Is Tom Spenser a forum member? If not, who recommended him?