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  1. sean01

    Carby / Jetting settings for your bike.

    wow with those mods i cant believe that that tune would be nice to run.. very under mained, too small of pilot and middle position on the clip.. none of it makes sense.. those settings are even well under a stock engines requirements.. my engine is very similar and i currently run an oko30mm...
  2. sean01


    how did you adjust the springs?? the bolts that hold the springs to the basket get done up tight.. what colour are your clutch plates? time for a new one with h/d springs by the sounds of it
  3. sean01


    thats an inner rotor cdi.. most of the older yx's came with an irk standard... as for wat cdi to run, use a standard black one for now then upgrade to a lifan ork.. all aftermarket standard type cdi's offer way too much advance and kick back...
  4. sean01

    Glass house Mountains Quarry

    Beerburrum-donnybrook road, first main track on your right heading east from the highway. Go up that track about 2 k,s and you,ll see the quarry.. Should be a few of us there this sunday
  5. sean01


    hoping i can make this one as well.. missed a heap of past ones and im very overdue for a ride day.. fingers crossed... oh and doc.. i wana see that LXR out there
  6. sean01

    LXR DNM GPX rear spring info?

    standard is 320 or 350lbs
  7. sean01

    Question on my 4 speed tranny.

    ok sounds like a bit of a coincidence that this has happened.. ya havent bent ya gear lever shaft have you? actually sounds like a gearbox problem of some sort or the sleeve running thru the clutch drive gear is seized!! nice ride btw
  8. sean01

    Piranha 160 vs 160ho

    only differences are obviously the visual ones plus the zonger has a slightly different stroke.. couple mm's.. yx160 is just over the 160cc and the zonger is just under
  9. sean01

    Are we a pac of meat heads?

    the people to blame are the ******s that ride/drive in forests have accidents then sue everyone.. there pathetic
  10. sean01

    Question on my 4 speed tranny.

    clutch plates frozen!! as motorman said!! did it work fine before hand?
  11. sean01

    Lifan outer rotor

    use the lifan 150 cdi and set the ignition timing where ever you find it best
  12. sean01

    Lifan Rockstar Gopro vids

    lol, that last crash was awesome to watch from behind... awesome vids mate..
  13. sean01

    Bearing Case in wheel

    2 options.. die grinder or weld a big nut to the bearing case and hit it out...
  14. sean01

    Is this a clutch problem?

    what engine is it running and is it a start in any gear engine? if so then depending on the sprocket shaft size buy a new lifan 140 or zonger 140 gearbox and gear drum as for a manual, look in my sig
  15. sean01

    jianshe 125cc valve clearances

    small clearance as all other chinese horizontal engines.. .003 thou on inlet and .004 on exhaust