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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. S

    How to tell a genuine thumpster from a fake?

    Would it be worth offering him $400? He has it advertised for about 500 i think
  2. S

    How to tell a genuine thumpster from a fake?

    No brand or anything on the motor the number on it is IP56FMJ06071153 and has stars at the start and finish of it
  3. S

    How to tell a genuine thumpster from a fake? Can anyone confirm if this is a provert bike? It also has a 140cc engine i just cant figure out what kind of engine it is
  4. S

    How to tell a genuine thumpster from a fake?

    Yeah I have been keeping my eye on gumtree Im really after a dhz, Looking to spend $500-$800 Found this one on facebook just then can anyone id the frame and engine? Another one i have my eye on...
  5. S

    How to tell a genuine thumpster from a fake? Spotted this one on gumtree and was wondering if anyone knows if it is a genuine thumpster or not? Im pretty new to the mini scene and dont want to fork out money for something thats not the real...
  6. S

    Buying first bike need help

    Hey boys and girls, looking at buying my first bike and have been keeping an eye out on gumtree lately, 2 have caught my eye and just wanted to get someones opinion on what one to choose That one seems like...