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  1. T

    can't find neutral

    like cooly said that sprocket will spin if the bike has no pressure on the sprocket. once you hook up the chain etc it will most likely be fine
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    Front brake not springing back

    thanks for the quick reply! hmmm the rotor is still straight, ill have a go at bleeding them, hopefuly that sorts them out
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    EDC review

    ok guys stop paying out on him now, i think he probably feels pretty bad as it is. like motorman said everyone gets dicked like this at some point in their lives, its part of growing up. leave him alone now
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    Front brake not springing back

    hey guys, i noticed the other week that my front brake level no longer springs back into place. i pull in the lever and it works fine (pads grip disc), but when i let go it stops braking (pads release disc) but the lever doesnt spring back into position like a normal lever would. it just...
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    EDC review

    f**k me, when is this going to stop..
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    Trying to get my account deleted but no one will do it?!!

    hahaha, what an odd thread..
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    Sano Graffiti sticker kits in Aus

    if it makes you guys feel any better, someone i know once tried to buy something off the kaos50's website, emailed them asking for bank account details so he could transfer the money but they never replied. about 3 days later the item was delivered to his door even though he hadnt even paid for...
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    Tear down bike and parts COMPLETLY

    hey bulldog, thanks so much for taking the time to make this thread! very informative for me as i've been way to scared to pull my engine apart to this extent.
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    How to put a EDC on a motovert

    hahaha you guys are f*kn slack..
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    try practicing them uphill, its a bit easier :) i cant wheelie for sh*t on motos, but on my pushbike im pretty decent. all i can say is pop the front wheel up and try to keep your arms straight so your body is really hanging over the back. like they say though practice makes perfect :)
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    Fuel valve and choke lever

    congratulations, you have successfuly dug up the oldest thread on how did you even find this thread?! you must have been extremely bored to be digging this deep haha
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    spark but won't start

    its pretty obvious that you've gotten water somewhere, i'd be listening to Dabomb. it was running > he washed it > now it doesnt run = water
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    spark but won't start

    so are you saying it ran fine, then you washed it, and now it wont start?
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    official post pics of you riding thread

    wow that was unnecassary, grow up mate. just because you say 'no offence' doesnt mean its not offensive..
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    Trik ciniworx!!!!!

    how do those bars feel? they look a little bit uncomfortable, really low and wide?
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    Mr RUDD bought me a new frame.........

    thump*140 cant you just raise the forks up in the tripple clamps a bit to level it out?
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    What you guys want in a China.....

    this thread is from 2007..
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    SnItChYs' Z50 My Whip

    aww bugger! im in sydney! thanks for your help though :)
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    Show us your Bike Transport / Car Pics

    haha yeah your right, the 09 atomiks dont seem to be too bad, it was just funny seeing it lined up next to a gixxer and an evo :O !
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    Show us your Bike Transport / Car Pics

    holy heck!! nice collection mate! how'd an atomik end up in there though :P