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  1. M

    69 70 Honda QA50

    New Old Price Gears The new chinese engines are CDI ignition, four speed trans., 20cc's bigger,And more then half the price. The old little honda engine's kick start gears and trans. brake easy. Maybe the newer engines are better, but they are very expensive.
  2. M

    69 70 Honda QA50

    I herd that the chinese motors are better then the old honda motors, plus it's a lot of cash. $805.00 for honda and it's a two speed. $360.00 for chinese and it's a four speed, 4 down.
  3. M

    69 70 Honda QA50

    found I looked around on e-bay and found some engines that will work. eBay Store - MINI TRAIL PARTS UNLIMITED: MINI TRAIL MISC, CT70 MISC, CT90 PARTS Check it out. I think the 125cc will be to much for that little bike, so I'm going to go with the 70cc. What do you think?
  4. M

    Need Help Identifying a late 70's Honda 50cc

    69or70 HondaQA50 I have a QA50 the gears and kick start are messed up and it won't run. What kind of motor can I put on it maybe something newer, and where should I look?
  5. M

    69 70 Honda QA50

    I have a QA50 the gears are messed up and it won't start. What kind of engine can I put on it, and wear can I get one?