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    carby help (mukini)

    hey guys i just want to know a quick question on my carby (mukini) what is the screw that is on the manifold side of the fuel bowl it is a flat head screw and goes into the inside of the carby and has a air hole ? what does this do and what should it approx be set at. thanks also the jets...
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    Backyard Nationals round 2

    yes there is a china class last backyard racing was a big class and same as the 12" class. will be there for sure HRI as long as my ribs are healed by then..
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    November 50 of the Month ^^ Vote Here `/`/

    here is mine This is my new kit on my bike not yet finished but looks better than standard just gotta fit my seat aswell.
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    Alpinestar tech 2's

    THERE is a thing called cleaning and it is a big thing with white boots to stay white and use the right stuff
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    Favourite rider thread

    HURLZ (daryl hurley) cause he is my cousin
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    Alpinestar tech 2's

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    Stalling With Irk???

    lol i know ah i fitted mine to my bike. you need a rattle gun to get the 14mm nut off then can use 2 screw drives and a hammer (lightly tap) it off thats how i got mine off.
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    Stalling With Irk???

    thanks for that mate.
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    Stalling With Irk???

    well boxy did tune it but i never noticed it before but i had only just got the irk fitted before he tuned it, i only had a oil sling before that and it went ok.
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    Stalling With Irk???

    yeah i understand whats happining but i need to know how to fix it, i rev the hell out of my bike and it still dies. which screw is the idle to adjust it? thanks for your help mate. here is the size of the jumps i was doing and it kept wanting to die
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    Stalling With Irk???

    yeah i know any one have any info on it or know where i can get one?
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    Stalling With Irk???

    it does it all the time neutral or riding. it stalled on the big step up at boxys in mid air on his race day. i have heard of this weight u can put on the sling??
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    Stalling With Irk???

    Hey guys i want to know if anyone has a fix to a lifan 140cc that has a IRK and a billet oil sling fitted and the bike stalls if it has been reved. if i just let it idle down slowly it will idle but if i give it decent rev it will die. has anyone got a fix to it or know how to stop it...
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    New Pitracer 140cc

    here is one
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    New Pitracer 140cc

    hey guys i just bought a pitracer 140cc bike and i just want to know if anyone knows anything about them i searched everywhere but cant find anything. it has the following Colour: a Black bike with Black Pastics,Black Rims and Green Graphics. Frame: Chromoloy twin tube heavy duty 3 point...
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    Agitated Hellerphant Please Read This!

    Mate Still No Reply I Will Sort This Little ****** Out Now I Got The ***** With The Prick
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    Agitated Hellerphant Please Read This!

    Mate Still No Money And Its Thursday???
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    Agitated Hellerphant Please Read This!

    Thanks Mate Would Be Good
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    Agitated Hellerphant Please Read This!

    THATS RIGHT i wouldnt mind if he sent me a sms or even a pm but no nothing. i never usually send stuff without payment but i did cause i knew how much i wanted to ride my bike when i got it and thought on he prob dont have a helmet so i will just send it cause he said he will pay me on friday...