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  1. dafunk

    The next brissy ride day?? 8th may 2011

    CRF 250r it She was so sweet you could at least get her name right ! :bike:
  2. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    i bet you wont jet rich if someones passing ya ?? but good safe advice ringo . if you need help get a kart exhaust gas temp tuner gauge plug chops help too hope theres some dirt sections at the next aussie champs ?
  3. dafunk

    2011 aussie minitard champs

    the helmut cam didnt work :hidesbehindsofa:
  4. dafunk

    The next brissy ride day?? 8th may 2011

    i had a great time at parklands nice to catch up with the motard crew looking forward to the next one
  5. dafunk

    The next brissy ride day?? 8th may 2011

    im hoping to make this one :driver::scooter::action-smiley-033:
  6. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    looking good me thinks but i would be going to supercross valving, lowered too same as the big tards
  7. dafunk

    2011 aussie minitard champs

    thanks to nocrfhere for the link :clap: yeah you were miles in front i think i ended up 6th id be happy if every aussie champs were held at that track
  8. dafunk

    KTM 85cc Motard build

    nice one im trying to get one too ! mines more of a 2001 cr80 $400 im still looking for a elite aswell? anybody got a cheap one ?
  9. dafunk

    2011 aussie minitard champs

    <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> thats me crashing out of second place on lap 1 doh
  10. dafunk


    dirtmax have them here Dirtmax GP160R Mini GP Racing Bike im trying to get a elite pocket too ! new motard build started other one [not mine ] now for sale
  11. dafunk

    FREE ride SEQ

    found this FULLNOISE.COM.AU - Index dont know if pitys allowed ? its a noise test at wyaralong dirt bike park
  12. dafunk

    Re-condition or new?

    its alwayys nice to have spares . i had my 140cc junior bike as a spare [came 3rd and liam nisbit hardly rides it!] it ended up being used by a senior whose 160cc crank broke so a spare complete motor would be great or bike even better
  13. dafunk

    2011 aussie minimotard champs

    made it home , didnt leave till sunday morninig . had a few too many during presentation :beerglass: great racing AWESOME track , even the hills were in the right spots next year possibly in gladstone . extra special thanks to pete aka nocrfhere for letting me strip parts of his bike...
  14. dafunk

    2011 aussie minimotard champs

    ha ha londin , it beats sitting around . we leave wednesday saw a bit of the track during the superbikes telecast sweet :b_grind:
  15. dafunk

    2011 aussie minimotard champs

    ha ha i watch the weather for kiting fingers crossed for sunshine im in 4 classes !! cag replica 5a 5b
  16. dafunk

    2011 aussie minimotard champs

    nice pictures ringo :action-smiley-033: bad luck londin :ballchain: have entered :cheer2:
  17. dafunk

    2011 Australian Minimoto Title Entry Forms

    i think catus is wrong , maybe your thinking about hong kong ? which is chinese controlled the rules say must be" made in china " i think that put tb out of stock class .
  18. dafunk

    2011 Australian Minimoto Title Entry Forms

    i will be in classes a + b and a pocket class just need to clarify head ruling ? tb all good then even if tawainese? will build to suit.
  19. dafunk

    2011 Australian Minimoto Title Entry Forms

    besides genuine takagawa ,daytona . what other heads go racing against the 85 2t ? tb ?
  20. dafunk

    2011 aussie minimotard champs

    Thanks grnman we are 90% sorted with the bris race boys :action-smiley-033::action-smiley-033::action-smiley-033: will pm you with contact details re the claw