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  1. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    good stuff sean those 2 dingers are fussy reguarding there jetting !! on two strokes i found exhaust gas temperture readings the best . depending on the engine ,as the gases get to about 400-600c the jettings correct plug chops great too , but slow to show colour when jetting close to the...
  2. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    in those big winds today , i said holy s..t quite a bit
  3. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    i'll ask him for a favor
  4. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    londin sling us some fuel $$$ and ride with style in the van!! though if i get another day kiting ,i might not have the strength to lift the bikes in! pete how did you go?
  5. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    its a molk carb ! pilot had no markings on it so went for a genuine 35 as it looks bigger
  6. dafunk

    Next MiniTard Track Day - Sunday 8th Aug 10-2pm

    heaps safer than with the tin tops
  7. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    bad luck bruz im sure there will be next time if you cant make it . why wont they fit?
  8. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    Quote londin do the highside...then i'll because i don't have the balls to highside or take the change at least ha ha your not that soft !! you were pulling slides the other night!! slides will get longer with more control if the jetting fixes the snatchy thing . hell...
  9. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    i rekon the drift car crew would like to see some top gear highsides!!!
  10. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    im going with the bigger pilot jet 45 i didnt plug chop ,but it looks lean i think it would help yours londin do the checks sean recommended too
  11. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    flat slide looks great did you have any drama at the last minitard night?
  12. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    after inspecting carb and plug it looks lean thanks guys
  13. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    i wonder if nocrfhere had any tuning drama? there proberly un related problems ? thanks to londin for sharing his snatchy feeling!
  14. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    yx 187cc taki head and piston, fmf ex oko carb jets cant remember full rich on the needle clip using premium pump gas i havent cleaned the carb for a while will look tomoro but strange we had the same snatchy feeling???
  15. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    brisvegas where the motards run free [sometimes]
  16. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    no glowing exhaust mine would surge at full lean with a just opened throttle and at one point would open throttle and nothing would happen for a second then pow and slide wobble wobble tried mine mixture screw closed and it was worse [too rich] 3 turns open not much better if any worse...
  17. dafunk

    Snatchy throttle

    mine was bad at the mintard night . i couldnt get on the gas without getting slides when we ran reverse direction it got even worse ! dean was also having the same symptoms better have a look before friday i feel mines too rich
  18. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    over 18 riders only should be heaps of spectators over 100 pockets allowed
  19. dafunk

    Time to Re-TARD :)

    looks great pete ! i doubt the carb will work properly , if you were to slot the manifold mounting holes would it clear?
  20. dafunk

    free track demo night at archy

    this friday night 7 - 10 pm its a drift night so we get 2-3 sessions approx 10 laps each free for senior riders $15 for spectators