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  1. devhay

    CRF50 10-10 setup "taki 88 superhead"

    Gonna have to let me snap some good shots of it tonight! haha
  2. devhay

    CRF50 10-10 setup "taki 88 superhead"

    Not wasting any time! Definitely keen to see it tonight.
  3. devhay

    CRF50 10-10 setup "taki 88 superhead"

    God I love this bike haha. Gonna look mean as **** with the billets on.. and go hard as **** with the taki88 haha
  4. devhay

    DHZ / Miniriders Pic Comp #VOTE NOW!#

    We should do another one of these! I've got a few more recent pics up my sleeves haha.
  5. devhay

    Mikals CRF50 build

    Sounds like a killer build man! cant wait to see it together.
  6. devhay

    official post pics of you riding thread

    Liquid gold. haha
  7. devhay

    Perth crf70 ride

    Spewing I didnt make it out. Good video though! Seans killling it haha.
  8. devhay

    Friday Night 50 Mission

    We'll have to make sure we get some footage of you riding too next time were out haha
  9. devhay

    Friday Night 50 Mission

    Haha yeah, hows his form.. just rock up jump on someone elses bike and start killing it.
  10. devhay

    Friday Night 50 Mission

    Belmont skatepark and that backyard track haha.
  11. devhay

    Friday Night 50 Mission

    **** yes! awesome job of the video man! such a good night out.
  12. devhay

    Perth Friday night rides

    I have all chingys photos now, and ill get mika to chuck up some more from this friday... just gotta check through them all and take out the ones with beer in them....
  13. devhay

    mini moto superx for x games

    God yes. That park course would keep me entertained for days.
  14. devhay

    Post pics of your jap bikes!!!!!!

    I recognize that bike! Was good riding with you on friday night man! haha
  15. devhay

    what a beast

    I feel a little sick after that..
  16. devhay

    WA Fast50's Speedway series

    Definitely keen on this!
  17. devhay

    Secret spot Build WA

    Us boys will definitely be keen to come out fr a few laps and a few beers haha.
  18. devhay

    Secret spot Build WA

    Holy puck!
  19. devhay

    Flat Tray mini trucks?

    While were playing the minitruck game, Heres my two old trucks