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  1. dynamicgs

    85 Riders Go HUGE at Stewart's
  2. dynamicgs

    KDX250 1984 2smoker!

    Hey mate... Keeping the tank full is supposed to help too, as its only the vapour that leeches through the plastic, not the liquid... Or so ive read... you are a bit of a guinie pig for me... ha ha...
  3. dynamicgs

    indoor mini track

    I dont know man... I just heard a rumour someone was trying to make it happen...
  4. dynamicgs

    indoor mini track

    Yeah, I heard roumours of one in brissy too....
  5. dynamicgs

    Applying sticker kits???

    Ahhh..... the side plate over the exhaust... About as fun as getting your pubes plucked out with tweezers...
  6. dynamicgs

    Victorian Exclusive mini ONLY track!!

    That sucks big ones!!!!! Maybe I need to migrate south...
  7. dynamicgs

    Applying sticker kits???

    yeah, just a hairdryer on the sticker when pulling it up...
  8. dynamicgs

    Applying sticker kits???

    Just for anyone else who may be wondering, When taking off any old stickers, I did some testing last night.... I just peeled off one numberplate as it. It left a heap of old adhesive on the plastic. Tried to clean it with metho and turps, neither really did the job. Tried some acetone, or nail...
  9. dynamicgs

    Gerro's 50 Build

    looking epic!!!!!
  10. dynamicgs

    Applying sticker kits???

    Heres the instructions I give to anyone who gets a kit from me... Its the easiest way for a novice to do it, and Ive had plenty of practice, doing it different ways. Using water allows you to move the sticker around unlimited times until you are happy with the placement.. No matter how you do...
  11. dynamicgs

    Styv's TwentyOneRacing Builds/Stuff

    Sooo goood!!!! ... Post some pics of what you make out there!
  12. dynamicgs

    DNM vs GPX Black label...

    Yeah, you wont find much out about them... I searched for em too.. Pretty sure you will only find them on the ciniworx bikes. They are the same as GPX and DNM mate.. and I can tell you they are all made in the same factory.. cause I bought direct.. Just go with the GPX.. you will be real happy...
  13. dynamicgs

    what chinese 250 (FULL SIZE) should i get?

    dont do it man... a full size chinese bike is just sad..
  14. dynamicgs

    rotn50s broken shoulder 3d imagery

    Good luck mick!
  15. dynamicgs

    DNM vs GPX Black label...

    Yeah, I do... But i had to buy the same brakes that come on the GPX and fit them to my Hornets... As my stock brakes wouldnt fit...
  16. dynamicgs

    DNM vs GPX Black label...

    Yeah, brakes are real nice...
  17. dynamicgs

    DNM vs GPX Black label...

    Ask DHZ if its a straight bolt up... The CRF50 I saw em get put on didnt quite work right.. had to use the stock Triple clamps and put the fork legs in them... I think that was all that was wrong... But yeah, ask DHZ i recon.. Or ask josh if his bolted straight up no problems...
  18. dynamicgs

    DNM vs GPX Black label...

    yeah.. from my experience, ive seen a few people put them on, and there are still a few problems to sort....
  19. dynamicgs

    DNM vs GPX Black label...

    I think you will still need to do the "Nut Cut" to get them on.. (sounds a bit painfull!!) I could be wrong though.. I can give ya help if you get stuck too....
  20. dynamicgs

    DNM vs GPX Black label...

    I tried to save some bucks and get them direct from the factory.. but ended up spending the same as the DHZ kit.. just had more headaches.. ha ha.. I never learn my lesson being a tight arse!!! Ive seen the GPX's on UnoTurbos bike take some massive jumps....I recon they would be all you ever need!