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  1. berlina304

    FOTM Entry: August/Sept 2012

    Put your bike in tommy. If my bike had a killer holeshot hero sticker kit I'd enter lol. Well done again killpatrickyum, 1 nice bike that deserved the win.
  2. berlina304

    All the best berlina304

    Cheers nick, heaps better now. Got 1 more check up then its over and done with. And they got it all which is a bonus, no more op's. Thanks for everyones support through this, it has meant alot.
  3. berlina304

    WTB: auto car

    cheers trev
  4. berlina304

    WTB: auto car

    yeah looking there now, i would even swap/trade my car for something auto. just need it asap due to work comitments.
  5. berlina304

    WTB: auto car

    yeah a wagon, 4.2L.
  6. berlina304

    WTB: auto car

    lol, we'll be getting a patrol in a few months so this will just get us through till then
  7. berlina304

    WTB: auto car

    just something for the missus to get to and from work, we'll be getting a new car in a few months but just need something this weekend. it can be more than a $1000. it must be 4 door cause we have 2 kids. and can a mod move to general classifieds please.
  8. berlina304

    WTB: auto car

    Looking there aswell, just thought someone on here mite have something.
  9. berlina304

    WTB: auto car

    WANTED:cheap auto car with road worthy cert CONDITION:must be in good condition PREFERRED PRICE RANGE:upto $1000 LOCATION:sunshine coast EXTRA INFORMATION:must be 4 door CONTACT: ben: 0499025108 or pm
  10. berlina304

    Fifty of the Month June-July 2012

    closes at 11:59 tonight but your way out in front so congrats again.
  11. berlina304

    Fifty of the Month June-July 2012

    congrats pat
  12. berlina304

    National Miniriders ride day

    well said mick
  13. berlina304

    National Miniriders ride day

    Wow Mick, you never cease to amaze lol. The best thing I've heard in ages. I'll be willing to travel for a birth day bash.
  14. berlina304 Graphics Kits First Impressions

    Any other colours available for the car stickers?
  15. berlina304

    eichkays CRF50'Zed stocker

    Thats sick, well done with it
  16. berlina304

    lytton 21/7

    Can anyone give me a lift down? I'll pitch in for for and tolls and shout a 6 pack??????
  17. berlina304

    lytton 21/7

    Who's going to lytton this Saturday? Anyone going down from the sunny coast?
  18. berlina304

    1 for the truck drivers

    lucky escape after tire explodes Truck Tire Explodes Near Driver - YouTube
  19. berlina304

    gympie motox club

    yeah will do justin and its good to see everyone showing some interest.
  20. berlina304

    Tom's Track

    any updates tommy?