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  1. ducar.r.spec

    Solution to chain breaking the starter plate

    shhh sean ive learnt my lesson edit: hehehehehe
  2. ducar.r.spec

    Solution to chain breaking the starter plate

    usually if the chain jumps its because of frame flex or being warped, kinked chain/worn chain routine maintenance should check all these
  3. ducar.r.spec

    140cc mini vs WR250 Yamaha

    it is only a yamaha
  4. ducar.r.spec

    Instillation of stroker kits?

    yeah opens u up to a better racing class
  5. ducar.r.spec

    mso pro or mso 140s 08 model?

  6. ducar.r.spec

    Best Bang For The Buck?

    are you in aus buddy?
  7. ducar.r.spec

    building a bike instead of buy one built up

    if ur gonna tard it get irk and oil sling also means u wont have to buy a wiring harness
  8. ducar.r.spec

    Ghost rev's - can't fix??

    i think ull find it will be jetted way way way too high
  9. ducar.r.spec

    I'm going for motard session...

    pfft pete, you know the answer to that question
  10. ducar.r.spec

    I'm going for motard session...

    stick motard's now?
  11. ducar.r.spec

    I'm going for motard session...

    im there spoon
  12. ducar.r.spec

    tyre pressure's

    ur running a tard now el sticko?
  13. ducar.r.spec


    ive delt with a fair few hubs that come stock with 15mm wheel bearings that wont take any 12mm bearings that u can purchase off the shelf and vise versa
  14. ducar.r.spec

    quite amusing

    also the $500000 starting price is amusing
  15. ducar.r.spec

    quite amusing

    bahahahahahahahahahaha thumpstar 250cc - eBay Other Trail Bikes, Trail Bikes, Motorcycles, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 03-Jul-08 19:43:35 AEST)
  16. ducar.r.spec


    make sure ur forks are wide enough befor u do
  17. ducar.r.spec

    help please!

    if its slowly dropping back down then the idle screw may have indented the slide wich means that u wont ever get true idle because it will go to what u think is idle but the drop more
  18. ducar.r.spec

    June Fifty of the Month

    i dunno if he does
  19. ducar.r.spec

    June Fifty of the Month

    im fully over the winging about sids bike if it wasnt his use wouldnt bag on it leave him alone or my suggestion lets start a poll sid's-vs-mxb's
  20. ducar.r.spec


    i get conti's for 40 a pop and theyre a great tyre