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  1. westy465

    Stazza's basic KLX110

    take the shifter off and rotate it one spline down?
  2. westy465

    Stazza's basic KLX110

    what to you mean by lower pivot angle? shorter one?
  3. westy465

    They've out done themselves this time :p

    haha we are number one from a pathetic endo to nearly stack, and a sick donut.
  4. westy465

    They've out done themselves this time :p

    hehe love this featured spec. "•New style chain tensonor" sounds like a fricken god of war.
  5. westy465

    westy's CRF50 build

    merredin. the race we had was in york.
  6. westy465


    pedrosa, lorenso, dovizioso. stoner was leading, stoner was with pedrosa and pushing when he crashed on the second last corner of the last lap.
  7. westy465

    westy's CRF50 build

    haha yeh jims jump gets a bit hectic on 10 inches. we had a race meet a few weeks ago and the track had a couple of "moist"sections. there is a thread somewhere with heaps of photos...
  8. westy465

    westy's CRF50 build

  9. westy465

    strong motor

    yeh it was in reply to the uneducated comment.
  10. westy465


    good race, ****ty ending
  11. westy465

    strong motor

    have you had experience with all these motors?
  12. westy465

    Stazza's basic KLX110

    once you do the bars, seat, exuast, it wont be long before you do springs, then big bore, then chassis.... it wont stop haha.
  13. westy465

    Doms KLX110 mods needed

    and the forks?
  14. westy465

    Doms KLX110 mods needed

    wat forks did you put on nemo? my klx110 has kx60 forks, sits nice. too soft but. got some springs comin from the states that suit my weight. fair bit more expensive than the klx springs but. would be cheaper to put the klx spring in and machine up some spacers. going to chuck some 15 weight...
  15. westy465

    Sunday's Ride

    Motocross Clubs - Providing reserved land for future housing estates since the 1920s
  16. westy465

    Sunday's Ride

    yeh we have a few mx tracks in perth that are close to residential areas that probably have a limited lifespan. I know when I was racing we were getting complaints. MWA are nazi with sound level testing here.
  17. westy465

    Sunday's Ride

    there seem to be so many designated moto riding areas on the east coast, in WA just about every council is trying to ban the riding of dirt bikes. we were at a designated off road motorcycle area the other week and the council got complaints because there was too many bikes there, I must say...
  18. westy465

    Identifing year of cr125

    yep i got this list, it just keeps repeating A = 1980 B = 1981 C = 1982 D = 1983 E = 1984 F = 1985 G = 1986 H = 1987 J = 1988 K = 1989 L = 1990 M = 1991 N = 1992 P = 1993 R = 1994 S = 1995 T = 1996 V = 1997 W = 1998 X = 1999 Y = 2000 1 = 2001 2 = 2002 3 = 2003 4 = 2004...
  19. westy465

    Identifing year of cr125

    year 2000?
  20. westy465

    Sunday's Ride

    this reminds me of how much WA hates on dirt bikes.