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  1. westy465

    How Good is the AMA at the mo!

    that pass reminded me of james stewart
  2. westy465

    sand paddles

    you are lazy zac. any tyre store can get them. i bet even some tyre stores stock them.
  3. westy465

    125cc motor into a cr80 frame?

    love the idea. but now that you have cut the frame, it is basically a paperclip with wheels. you will want to try and strengthen every spar on the frame.
  4. westy465

    race starts on crf 50

    im in albany right now, coming up to perth for the weekend then back home. no riding this weekend. Was actually askin Keepitsidways if there was a big bike race. wouldnt mind seeing how quick the kids are these days
  5. westy465

    race starts on crf 50

    wat race is on this weekend?
  6. westy465

    washing ya bike (muc off)

    yeh, pressure washers are an easy way to remove stickers too.
  7. westy465

    race starts on crf 50

    i start in second. I will click to third, then go one full click down and hold it down, then hit the limiter and take foot off lever. no probs with the box yet. probably going to distroy a clutch first.
  8. westy465

    washing ya bike (muc off)

    i use this stuff instead of CRC5.56. its flippen awesome lube. might even use it in the bedroom.
  9. westy465

    washing ya bike (muc off)

    after many moons of riding dirtbikes I have found that some truck washes will take the sheen of plastics and graphics. so be careful that whatever you use isnt caustic. I have found that plain water and 1800 PSI will just about shift anything. pressure washers are really cheap now. can get...
  10. westy465

    Nice save!

    i would claim that haha
  11. westy465

    Stazza's basic KLX110

    prolly have to look at a stock pegmount then man. Personally I would turf it for an aftermarket one. much stronger and check out the ballards catalogue. Think I saw a retro-fit side stand in there once
  12. westy465

    How Good is the AMA at the mo!

    stewart will probably ride over his head again and take himself and barcia out
  13. westy465

    How Good is the AMA at the mo!

    tomac in the 450s? thought he would have stayed in the lites, I reckon he is a contender for a lites title. next year.
  14. westy465

    How Good is the AMA at the mo!

    and what did he say to reed? I must have missed the gossip.
  15. westy465

    How Good is the AMA at the mo!

    its unlikely he will be mixing it with the top 4, but he will be biting at their sprockets. he needs a hair cut. and so do I. gettin a bit wooley.
  16. westy465

    How Good is the AMA at the mo!

    it will be hard to get rid of barcia, he will be in 450 next year and hes got pace on the big bike.
  17. westy465

    How Good is the AMA at the mo!

    im finding the 250s more exciting than the 450s at the moment. there is just no one that can run with dungey the whole race. alessi has the starts, but not the pace. stewart is off at the moment. he may get faster, if he stops crashing. would love to see ken rockzen take a win.
  18. westy465


    after he made a mistake at the start if the last lap and caught dani so quick, i thought he had the speed to take the win.
  19. westy465


    did you even watch the race man? he said he was catching dani and was going to overtake on the last corner, he tried to turn in and lost the front end. It had also just started to rain, so while it might have been dry on one side of the track, that side may have had a bit of rain on it. he has...
  20. westy465

    Stazza's basic KLX110

    no problemo