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  1. dj.licastro


    was mufflers not discussed last week in another thread?
  2. dj.licastro

    QLD Riding Spots

    FOR ALL BRISBANE METRO RIDERS!! Pinkies!.. if u just want sumwhere wif open paddock, lumpy sections and a few jumps. Pinkanbar is the go.. head to the airport and turn off on airport drive and the roundabout.. u end up heading out past and around the airport.. basically its directly between...
  3. dj.licastro

    What bike? :P I am pretty sure thats the site for motovert. just copy and paste it into good old google, she'll fix it up and send you on ur way to the actual site haha:)
  4. dj.licastro

    NGK Spark plug?

    iridium plugs are reliable u get better life outta them and stuff. same wif platnum plugs which u can pick up from sum places. luckily enough for me my dad is a mechanic and i hav them sitting all around my house hahaha
  5. dj.licastro

    I've decided, im gonna get a PitPro

    yeah i forgot to add in the MSO into the equation that is decked out wif the forks and shocks. but then agian its only a 125 cc isnt it? not a 140 like the pitpro 140cc
  6. dj.licastro

    More power/speed?

    good tips there
  7. dj.licastro

    What bike? :P

    what u got the DHZ or PITPRO?
  8. dj.licastro

    140cc speed and pickup?

    yeah bout that.. my mate had a stock gsx ORION up pat 80km/hr on saturday on teh higway haha under cover got him hahah but he didnt care he just told us a guud track to ride and that its probs not the best idea to race cars up the long straights. haha
  9. dj.licastro

    I've decided, im gonna get a PitPro

    yeah not on there yet, but it will soon... its only come on ebay in the last week
  10. dj.licastro

    What bike? :P

    MADMAN - haha if u get a DHZ be you better also write on ur list for upgrade TYRES!!!!!!! in big bold writing cos they are absolut trash :)
  11. dj.licastro

    What bike? :P

    Madman thats the copy of the PP 125cc.. Except the engine in that is the newer LIFAN compared to the one in the actuall pit pro which is the chrome badge version
  12. dj.licastro

    I've decided, im gonna get a PitPro

    oh and i also found that the 125cc PP's on ebay from the PP dealer hav the older stlye LIFAN's with chrome badge crap compared to the ATOMIK RS(copy of it) which is identical bar the newer LIFAN engine.
  13. dj.licastro

    I've decided, im gonna get a PitPro

    YUP!!.. dude i been watching the nitruos's(same as PP 138/140cc) they are goin for like any from $650-800 on ebay. i am defs gettin one and then upgrading wat i want wen i want.
  14. dj.licastro

    What bike? :P

    KTM KID, have you got any links to pics of your bike?
  15. dj.licastro

    Need A Engine Badly!

    Franky the Wise:)
  16. dj.licastro

    My Bike Sold!!

    Nitrous has the same from as PITPRO 140cc. so wateva that is
  17. dj.licastro

    My Bike Sold!!

    and another thing BENOX. PP 140cc are also under the name Atomik Nitrous and are goin for like nearly the same price as the PROX's which are only 125's
  18. dj.licastro

    My Bike Sold!!

    ur opinion vs. my opinion
  19. dj.licastro

    My Bike Sold!!

    yeah i am fukin serious. my mate has a pro-x and a pitpro. and the pitpro beats the pro-x
  20. dj.licastro

    My Bike Sold!!

    bahahhaa cant beilve he paid 250$.. its good u sold it though dont get a PRO-X look at the new atomik RS its like a pitpro 125 copy.. wuld **** on pro-x