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  1. napolian_was

  2. napolian_was

    weekends in a small town vid

    i've put vol1 on youtube i've put vol.1 on youtube its in 2 parts 15 and a 1/2 min all up. hope you like it part 1 YouTube - vol.1 like burnouts n stuff (part 1 of 2) part 2 YouTube - vol.1 like burnouts n stuff (part 2 of 2)
  3. napolian_was

    weekends in a small town vid

    G'day this is vol 2 of some vids of me and me mates getting up to no good just ridin and some burnouts n stuff. umm there is a vol 1 it goes for 15min its all burnouts i'll need to fuzz out the number plates b4 i put it on youtube hope you like it. YouTube - vol.2 moto ridin n shiz
  4. napolian_was

    240mm rear shock needed!!

    how did ya mod it...?? i just got a 275mm and i'm going to try put it on or mayb get a new frame...................................................:(
  5. napolian_was

    240mm rear shock needed!!

    yeah i'd like to get one but cant find any thing good. can only find the one i've got and its s##t...:mad:
  6. napolian_was

    Solution to chain breaking the starter plate

    thanks guys i'll check all that stuff out $30 that sux i payed 65 on ebay and 30 for a new side :(
  7. napolian_was

    Solution to chain breaking the starter plate

    hi this has happen to me 2 times and it cost about $100 each time and thats doin to work my self so i made up a guard to stop a 3rd. hope it will work for you.