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  1. thump*140

    RevMX TTR175 Vs Ciniworx CXZ175 Comparison

    Suspension: This is where the differences in the two bikes are really noticeable. Again, i've cheated as i've changed the fork oil in the DNM M200 forks on my bike for a much lighter oil, at a higher um, height, than standard... The DNM UD-DHL rear shock is set up for my weight, speed and...
  2. thump*140

    RevMX TTR175 Vs Ciniworx CXZ175 Comparison

    So it's finally happeneded.... we finally managed to get a Revmx and a Cini on the same patch of dirt to run some back to back testing... :) There's been a lot of interest in both the Revmx and the Cini over recent months on the forum, and until last weekend, we hadnt actually been able...
  3. thump*140

    How to set Valve clearances on horizontal engines.

    um, for starters completely wrong section to post your question, second, it's more than likely something suffering harmonic unbalance... bash plate or exhaust etc...
  4. thump*140

    mini mx track

    then you probably dont want step ups, doubles or whoops... stick with table tops of differing sizes, and when he's confident in tackling the gaps, then make a few doubles.... having corners of different radii will help in building his skills as well, as well as having on and off camber turns....
  5. thump*140

    For Those about to Rock... buying OKO Flatslides..

    more than likely your jetting is out. the 200cc kinlon engine will most likely also run 37 or 38 pilot jet, and a 98 main jet will give you a good starting point... open the carb up, i think you might have bigger jets in there...
  6. thump*140

    mini mx track

    well dude if you used to race at state level mx, then i'm sure you can remember a few typical obstacles that are found on most tracks... doubles, table tops, whoop sections, berms, step ups, step downs..
  7. thump*140

    ******* question OKO related

    hmm this is the second report of float bowl screws being tighter than a fishes arse in the last week or so.. you have basically three options to get the screws out, one is to use an impact driver, second is to use a socket wrench with a phillips head tip in it, as it allows you to exert more...
  8. thump*140

    RevolutionMX TTR-style 155z... The wait is over..

    Jesse judging by the details of all of your posts, try riding the bike first, becuase it sounds like you are very inexperienced... going out and throwing a V2 straight onto it, plus a 184 kit will probably kills you... Jet the 26mm properly, and learn to ride the bike, i think you'll find the...
  9. thump*140

    Keihin PE-24 Genuine Replica carby kit

    ^^^that's right!!!! ha ha ha... Nah the "genuine" replica tag was tongue in cheek...
  10. thump*140

    Adelaide Parts and service- updated 2010

    pm us then Dudsinki. :)
  11. thump*140

    RevolutionMX TTR-style 155z... The wait is over..

    There are enough spare jets in the jetting kit to get it running right. With the 175, try the 45 pilot jet, and the 105 main jet to begin with. If you just bought one, you will probably see yours running soon enough... seat height is around 820mm... PBK what drugs are you on kid? 700...
  12. thump*140

    DHZ you done it again

    I agree entirely.... However, you have found the right sub forum to post references for stores, dealers, sellers etc, and i was actually referring to the comment about Ming'n'50's.... If you wish to publish a negative reference about them, put it in the relative thread... Part of being a...
  13. thump*140

    DHZ you done it again

    no peanutbutterkid, not your comment...
  14. thump*140

    DNM M-200 oil level?

    Hey fiddynorway, i've got a set of M-200 forks on my Revmx, i swapped the 215ml of 15wt oil that's in them standard, for 225ml of 5wt oil... (in each leg...) Improves the quality of them a fair bit....
  15. thump*140

    DNM M-200 oil level?

    Hey fiddynorway, i've got a set of M-200 forks on my Revmx, i swapped the 215ml of 15wt oil that's in them standard, for 225ml of 5wt oil... (in each leg...) Improves the quality of them a fair bit....
  16. thump*140

    DHZ you done it again

    ie: if you're going to have a whinge about a store, and give them a negative rep, A: put it in the relative thread, given this thread is about DHZ, and B: keep it to the facts only, with no added ********...
  17. thump*140


    yeah i think i'd still keep looking.....
  18. thump*140

    DHZ you done it again

    if it's going to be a negative reference, keep it to the facts...