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  1. thump*140

    250cc D7 misfiring

    if you undo the carby top, and remove the slide from the cable/spring etc, there is a needle inside the slide with a clip on the top, and the needle will have multiple grooves on it, that the clip attaches to... if you move the clip UP it will richen the mixture, if you move the clip DOWN it...
  2. thump*140

    250cc D7 misfiring

    hmm ok so mikilon actually listened and changed the jets in these standard.... so the jetting should be ok... when the bike has warmed up, whereabouts do you have the choke lever positioned? up, or down? chock off position, is with the lever DOWN... sounds simple, but has caught a few people...
  3. thump*140

    heyy all!

    get an oko and ask Coollee about it??? Mitchaustralia do i need to ban you for life??? ha ha ha!!! coolee wouldnt know an OKO if it bitchslapped him. OKO26mm flatslide is by far the best bang for buck upgrade to any bike 125cc and above... AussieAdz i'm in Adelaide too, if you need a bit of...
  4. thump*140

    Pics of my new ride Ciniworx CXZ175

    The Munchkin is trying to get me over there for the Franga ride day, but unless i rob a bank, money wont let it happen. unless MR wants to sponsor me the fuel in the interest of having a shootout of the bikes creating the biggest waves in pitbiking this year..... Nudge nudge wink wink wink...
  5. thump*140

    Pics of my new ride Ciniworx CXZ175

    nah guys, they may actually be reasonably different, even both 175 models.... The CZX runs Weston suspension, and a Molkt carby, the RMX runs DNM suspension, and an OKO carby.... overall the bikes will be very similar, in regards to what works, what catches, what needs fixing straight up...
  6. thump*140

    250cc D7 misfiring

    it's coughing becuase the jetting is out. The Main jet supplied standard with these is by memory, a 135 main.... which is massively too big. Go back to a 95-100 main jet, the bike will run a lot better... and make sure you have the choke operating the right way.... caught me out the first...
  7. thump*140

    Anyone got guns?

    i should try this approach at my next job interview... do you think it would work? lol "give me a job, or else i pop a cap in Yo'ass??" No??
  8. thump*140

    Rear Facing Carb question

    not much point on a bike that sees the dirt. only going to increase the amount of crap and water that gets into it.... they face backwards for a reason.... Unless it's a KLX... then it's just a ball of snotty green gayness with a forward facing carby. :P
  9. thump*140

    Pics of my new ride Ciniworx CXZ175

    stars are still gay. ha ha ha. so when are we actually going to see a detailed review on this bike? i think the entire MR population would like to hear how it actually compares with the Revmx... go on cini-lovers.... i dares ya... :P
  10. thump*140

    Anyone got guns?

    lol and i'd hit you both from 400 yards, neither of you would hear the shot that gets you..... Sniper round FTW.... :D
  11. thump*140

    looking at buying this carby

    nah, their mainjets are still too big for my liking. he he he
  12. thump*140

    throttle problem

    lol you all Fail pretty much... the locating pin on the throttle, is the bit that needs removing, or filing off i should say. some cheaper chinas use them as a locating dowel. As minifighter siad, it's to stop them sliding or rotating on the bars... simply file the dowel off, and that...
  13. thump*140

    WTF is wrong with my pitster

    yeah oddly my OKO-fed bikes do this from time to time, and always after they've been washed... the caps on the OKO's tend to let a bit of water into them... i'd be drying the carby good and proper, and spray wd-40 in the bowl, slide, cap etc etc... Even a tiny bit of water in the bowl or...
  14. thump*140

    The New TTR style 155Z by RevolutionMX

    Miles now is a really good time to buy too, Russ has dropped the price of a new TTR155z to $1899 plus postage... good deals on 175 big block motors too.. :)
  15. thump*140

    The New TTR style 155Z by RevolutionMX

    within reason, china bikes are as reliable, or unreliable as you want to make them.. While the engines are very basic, they do need the same sort of maintenance the jap bikes do... air filters, oil filters and changes, valve clearances, and the same initial set up a jap bike does, just with a...
  16. thump*140

    DHZ Outlaw 160R or RMX 155Z?

    XR160R styling and linkage of the TTR isnt the only redeeming feature over the DHZ. general appointments on the bike, suspension, and handling is also a step above... For the money, i'd go with the Revmx..
  17. thump*140

    The New TTR style 155Z by RevolutionMX

    Hey Miles, welcome to MiniRiders! :) The RevMX has far more "great" features than just the linkage. I was part of the design process, and given i had a bit to do with the bike's inception, i was pretty picky with it in my review... I'm also possibly a little picky owing to the fact i've been...
  18. thump*140

    For Those about to Rock... buying OKO Flatslides..

    lol funny how no one has read my posts about running OKO26's on 125's, the jetting required, and the results gained... hmm, should delete this thread then... ha ha ha
  19. thump*140

    Nitrous 150 build.... how to get the most out an ebay junker

    yeah those PE26's are a good carb, Sneezy's lil bro is running one on a shitpro 140... nice and clean jetting, good performance from idle to redline without the snap of the oko. Good carby for a girl. h aha ha hah a