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  1. Dave.B

    Motored Bicycle

    exact engine im using ducar, i rebuilt it so to speak a few days ago and the things running like a charm, actually quite excited for this
  2. Dave.B

    Motored Bicycle

    by the way this is a chainsaw engine mounted grab an idea or 2 from this.
  3. Dave.B

    Motored Bicycle

    Depending on the size of the chainsaw engine that would be the best bet considering they have a centrifigal clutch, but i guess you could always use a smaller drive wheel if its gutless, no plans mate use your head, look at your motor and spinning sharft then hold it above your rear wheel and...
  4. Dave.B

    Motored Bicycle

    ive thought about those engine kits but that just makes it too easy, and id rather buy an engine for the pitbike for that money. Im going to use a soft cockaroach skateboard wheel so it shouldnt be that bad for the tyre, I took apart the engine today to give it a little service before going on...
  5. Dave.B

    Motored Bicycle

    Anyone here got one? im putting together one using a whipper snipper and friction drive, only thing im worried about is making some form of hinge swing to lift it up when i want to pedal, if any of you's have some valueable info let us know coz this is my first build and would rather less...
  6. Dave.B

    HX Kingswood Ute project

    woops didnt read the persons above posts first, exact same way mines just simple and slang.
  7. Dave.B

    HX Kingswood Ute project

    theres no point tinkering with wires seein he has to replace the barrel, just p*ss off the barrel and start with a screw driver, im presuming these dont have steering wheel locks? if so u might be in bother, if your not caring like me just snap it.
  8. Dave.B

    Oil Leak and Compression

    shes goooooonnee. case is badly cracked near the bottom mount
  9. Dave.B

    Oil Leak and Compression

    thanks sweety ;)
  10. Dave.B

    Oil Leak and Compression

    its leaking just sitting in the shed, puddles at a time now, saying that it could be a gasket would that be a reason its losing compression and being harder to start?
  11. Dave.B

    Oil Leak and Compression

    Lately my engine has been leaking oil from around the left side (birds eye view) of the peg mount, till now ive been just topping it up and keep cruising seein its just a slow leak but its getting worse and very difficult to start, feels tho the compression isnt consistant at all and pretty damn...
  12. Dave.B

    Got My New Shock!!

    and if it was to me mine snapped the exact same spot from jumping also
  13. Dave.B

    Got My New Shock!!

    i snaped my shock the other day, lucky i got a spare bike so its back running but im gunna invest in a new one soon
  14. Dave.B


    wierd, even when i snaped my exhaust clean off it didnt even bog, just sounded like it was under water
  15. Dave.B

    Milk crates...

    bah who the hell pays for a milk crate, id rather be labelled a thief then to pay for such a thing.
  16. Dave.B


    they might of been bluffing, usually they would hand u a court notice on the spot.
  17. Dave.B

    My vid

    i understand the dangers and what i put myself into, i do not want anyone copying me in anyway, i would love a helmet but atm i cant get one, ive got other **** to do first, my bike being in pieces anyway so im in no hurry yet, what i dont like is pointing the obvous like im the only one who has...
  18. Dave.B

    My vid

    god damn i aint complaining, this vid has been up for 24hrs and is 6th most viewed in auto vid today, 7th most linked and 84th most viewed this week, im cheering for a first vid haha
  19. Dave.B

    My vid

    hahaha 4 am after the pub and where am i? have a closer looks buddy that track at the end? that is 100% bike track not once did i say it was dirt, its in the bush u fool, houses on the right side when im riding is there BACKyards if i had motivation i would google earth it but nah f*ck it, ban...
  20. Dave.B

    My vid

    a public road and bike track is 2 totally different things, all of the vid was filmed in bush/ bike track in the bush that never gets used, noone was in danger but the people who took the own risk on the motorbike, i would love a helmet but i dont own one and at the time i couldnt afford one...