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  1. Dave.B

    My vid

    a bike track. never gets used.
  2. Dave.B

    My vid

    are u serious? no helmet is my problem u stiff, and there aint no public road in there, doubling so what
  3. Dave.B

    Me stacking it on my bike

    haha yes ill agree with everyone thats a good effort
  4. Dave.B

    My vid

    might add im the one with long hair
  5. Dave.B

    My vid

    thought i would try something different for my first video, dont expect crazy **** just fun times. starts slow but gets there. hate it or love it :p YouTube - dirtbike fun
  6. Dave.B

    Cops On The Prowl

    custom is on the ball, aslong as shes sweet its all good, i clean it once it stops raining but with the last couple of weeks theres no point
  7. Dave.B

    Cops On The Prowl

    i used to hate rainy days but my lord mud is fun, over the local bush here is perfect, grab the old clothes and go for a thrash, sideways everywhere, and when u come off it aint as bad u just slide anyway, saying that my bike is in pieces so that sucks
  8. Dave.B

    Cops On The Prowl

    i dont even find riding on the street any fun anyway, flat surfaces suck gotta hit the tracks ;)
  9. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    yeh yeh cheers mate, did all this last night, it wasnt even the seal, was the o ring up the top that went to ****, but saying that does anyone have a clue apprx how much oil goes in each shock?
  10. Dave.B

    busted my knee!!!!!!

    i always thought a laceration was a cut? well either way i said torn cartlidge or muscle so maybe in docco terms means laceration. The knee isnt a maze so someone had to be right, docco terms suck
  11. Dave.B

    Cops On The Prowl

    why does everyone always say dont ruin it for the others, if you yourself ride in a legal area whats the problem? or do u want to be the only mini bike on the street scene so u can get away with it more?
  12. Dave.B

    busted my knee!!!!!!

    ive had 2 complete reco's on my left knee due to skateboarding, if the doc didnt pick anything up straight away chances are your fine, unless you have a split cartlidge but then id doubt u would be putting any pressure on it that soon, so im thinking u pulled some muscles chiros???? gotta be...
  13. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    not this thread specifically, website in general, that aint entirely bad news, i got what i paid for but noway am i complaining, busted forks and all its still good for a thrashing, dont really wanna spend too much money on it coz i actually am getting a new bike before too long but this baby...
  14. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    no new rim, current one got smashed and have a spare with a rooted hub so mixed and matched to get another.
  15. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    bah swearing is apart of ozzy slang, im sure these kids see worse in there own classrooms
  16. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    that video link is well worth checking out, shows respoking and tighting a rim also, that is another thing im doing to my other bike that saves asking here. excellent
  17. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    just the once, probably the main reason i want newer stronger ones =P
  18. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    Video Tech Tip Archive   How to for anyone else who wants to know more about the workings of the forks.
  19. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    answers i need :), they do suck ass ive snaped one side already once from the local bmx jumps so im not too confident how long they will hold, wouldnt have a clue i got this bike from a wholesaler/from his house tho and for the price i couldnt give a rats ass, had the bike for about 6 months and...
  20. Dave.B

    Front End Questions

    well i hope none of you's run into the same problem then we'll all be EDIT: STUFFED ey? no one seems to know. EDIT: Swearing is Not the Way to get your self Help on this SITE