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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. Dave.B

    site slow?

    opera, is that just a internet program? sweet for pc's? or mac?
  2. Dave.B

    site slow?

    good thought i must of exceeded my download limit or something
  3. Dave.B

    site slow?

    is it just me or is the site being very slow tonight, erroring etc?
  4. Dave.B


    mack knows his ****
  5. Dave.B


    Dave.B, 21
  6. Dave.B

    Bloody Camera

    ones mainly for laptop and other pc
  7. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    actually i apologize, i dont want to be known for starting ****, i rather like being behind the scenes reading these forums.
  8. Dave.B

    Need help picking a carby?

    they have a new bloke working for them, i think his name might be scott? notsure but he knows his **** just speak to him.
  9. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    why use your mirrors on a road bike when u can just turn your head too?, i actually use mine too considering i ride with my mate all the time and we cant help ourselves to race and its good to see where he is, and likewise for him, we both have the same bikes so its pretty toe to toe, and...
  10. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    im a dick??
  11. Dave.B

    found a spot: Syd area.

    infact. if the people that built it goes on this site pm me haha, its a long shot but people cruise around on pitbikes in my area and i would like to ride with someone else
  12. Dave.B

    found a spot: Syd area.

    today i was just cruising around the leumeah area (campbelltown) came across some bush inbetween leumeah and ruse or airds maybe, its part of the georges river bushland, anyhow i found a track some people have built in there, about 4 jumps and some uturn wall things, its pretty good for people...
  13. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    the reverse parking was a joke, and crazy,please dont have hate over the net i have no time for gooses like you. Some kids on here would love that ****, just an idea.
  14. Dave.B

    2 dollar mod

    Few days ago i was at the warehouse getting some cable ties and i came across this bicycle saftey kit for 2 dollars, had front back reflectors, 2 flag holders, spoke reflectors and a mirrior, thinking for 2 dollars ill have a look, put it on and it does quite well hey, 2 bucks cant go wrong...
  15. Dave.B

    You got air?

    im **** at jumps, best ive done is lke 3 metre jump to bank kinda thing at this track ive got. How do people have balance in the air mine tends to go off sometimes
  16. Dave.B

    NSW Riding Spots

    cambelltown/kenlyn is good, georges river bushland, no cops no hassles ever, sume nice tracks, google earth it ;)
  17. Dave.B

    50 Stunters? or street

    haha i spent all day yesterday practising, on a soccer field out in woop woop so was pretty cruisy, nice and comforting knowing it was thick grass
  18. Dave.B

    what kind of mods 5 posts above is a thread asking the same question, i guess it was stickyd for a reason?
  19. Dave.B

    Mini Motard Club NSW

    i am so keen on this
  20. Dave.B

    Front break conversion and rear brake question

    im changing the front drum brake to disc and was wondering would it just bolt onto the existing el cheapo forks or would i be looking at some fast ace replacement? theres a bracket there so was thinking maybe it would be nice n easy, another question is the rear brake, i know a few on here have...