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  1. Sneezy

    THUMP140S Old Rev mx

    Yeah well i have a lil swing arm chain tension bolt as the damn thing wont budge. gonna have another sus this weekend. now my sons born and we have got a lot done around the house ( we built on 2.5 acres so had to do a **** load of fencing, paving etc) i was thinking of getting more of the SA...
  2. Sneezy

    THUMP140S Old Rev mx

    This is an awesome read
  3. Sneezy

    THUMP140S Old Rev mx

    Yeah i really want to get out and ride minis more. we have a track out outs but now needs work as the sheet fave ****ed a few spots.
  4. Sneezy

    THUMP140S Old Rev mx

    Hi All, Its been over 6 months since i have been on here, so thought it was time i came back to see whats going on lol. I know a few people were keen to see Toms old bike, not much has changed really, got it out and gave it some TLC over the last few weeks and its coming along nicely...
  5. Sneezy

    2008 Atomik Blitz 250 review

    oh wow, i cant believe this thread is still going. Unfortunately Toms Blitz is no more, the problem with these bikes is they need a lot of upgrade parts. When i got this bike it was put back to stock, all the suspension blew out, frame cracked etc. Tom added a lot of Jap parts to his, if ya...
  6. Sneezy

    Update on Thump140s revmx

    yeah ill deff take some tomorrow i recon. i haven't ridden minis for ages. the boys still come over for a ride but ive been to busty with work, a new born and house stuff it gets hard. selling a few bikes soon to get a quad which will be good also, i have a lot of land so using a quad around...
  7. Sneezy

    Update on Thump140s revmx

    wow only just seen this reply lol ill put some pics up soon. bike has no rear brakes, rear shock and front shocks are shagged, handle bar clamps are worn and bars move around. needs a lot of work =(
  8. Sneezy

    L&M Motorsports Fast 50's Pit Bike ride day Murray Bridge SA, Nov 9th

    looks like it was a good day, sucks i couldnt make it Kris
  9. Sneezy

    Where is mini bike racing going in 2015??

    well, its gone to **** in SA lol
  10. Sneezy

    L&M Motorsports Fast 50's Pit Bike ride day Murray Bridge SA, Nov 9th

    imm not riding but deff keen to come have a sus
  11. Sneezy

    L&M Motorsports Fast 50's Pit Bike ride day Murray Bridge SA, Nov 9th

    Yeha if i diont ride ill deff come up for a sus
  12. Sneezy

    L&M Motorsports Fast 50's Pit Bike ride day Murray Bridge SA, Nov 9th

    So is this a pit bike only event? So no other bikes will be there?? Your mate dan threefold gonna be there Luke???????
  13. Sneezy

    Stupidest thing you've ever done?? Come on all the heroes here lets have the stories!!!

    Stupidest thing i did was accept his add on facebook. Blocked now, dont want anything to do with the **** Kris
  14. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    yeha mate sold already, was my brother in laws, had it in my shed and he never used it lol
  15. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    i know its quiet now that stu isnt post whoring up the forums hahhaahha
  16. Sneezy

    Morgan again?? Just got the word can we use it again, NO WORRIES!!

    lol, i dont even know what happened, he just told me he was banned for 10 days or something, prob only something small, who knows
  17. Sneezy

    Deacons new 2012 Crf50 :)

    pfffft ya ride like a lil girl anyway so why do you need to strengthen the frame???