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  1. Sneezy

    Pitpro 140cc LE - let me know what you think so far.

    where ya get it from?
  2. Sneezy

    Pitpro 140cc LE - let me know what you think so far.

    Hey bud, you can bring y bike to mmine one weekend and we can go over the whole thing
  3. Sneezy

    Advice on track build

    Yeah it slowly getting there, even with a bob cat takes a long time
  4. Sneezy

    Advice on track build

    More photos tis weekend, gonna spend all day sat working on it so shoiuld get a lot done
  5. Sneezy

    Advice on track build

  6. Sneezy

    Advice on track build

    did more work last night with a small step up, should have track completed in about 3 weeks whoop
  7. Sneezy

    Bad Shops.. The 3 Amigo's / Kamikazee Disposals!! I'm sick of it... lol

    there is no decent mini moto shops in sa anymore
  8. Sneezy

    ~Hey Everyone I need some Advise~

    save ya cash and get a lxr bud, ya wont regret it
  9. Sneezy

    SA race day pics and follow up

    ill be working on the track sat i recon
  10. Sneezy

    Rev MX 160cc STOCK

    might have a mate interested here in SA, he might make the trip to you
  11. Sneezy

    SA race day pics and follow up

    If you ride a mini, you can race bud...
  12. Sneezy

    Advice on track build

    Yeha i have done a bit of research, ill take some pics of what i ahve so far, ive mapped it out how i want it, didnt add a step up, but might now lol
  13. Sneezy

    Advice on track build

    Hey Guys, I have about 500 tones of soil at my place ready for my track build. i have a bobcat that im using so its making it a lot easier. i am making a mini bike track only and wanna know what people think i should put in it?? double? step up etc? and any advice on how to build...
  14. Sneezy

    Rev MX 160cc STOCK

    still for sale??
  15. Sneezy

    Update on Thump140s revmx

    bit of an update, if any one cares lol i have just stock crappy black hubs now, the billet ones cracked believe it or not.. still have the magik sc customs kit on, i had a custom kit by hole **** hero but i took that off for now as im undecided what to use lol.. nothing else new really. lol
  16. Sneezy

    MINI MEANCE MX ride day 30/9

    lol what you ride rumble? we have a fair few people coming so shouild be a good day
  17. Sneezy

    SA race day pics and follow up

    oops excuse the caps
  18. Sneezy

    SA race day pics and follow up

  19. Sneezy

    1989 Suzuki RM80

    damn thought you were in SA =(
  20. Sneezy

    Mini racing in SA for 2013

    yeha i seen ya post on our facebook wall bilko lol add some pics up on facebook when ya get it.