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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. topguntravis

    YX 160cc Engine

    Just wondering from people's experience and knowledge what the YX 160cc engines are like on the Atomik Nitrous 160cc's? Heard they go alright, but in terms of reliability. I've had a Lifan 125cc which I would generally go for over a YX 125cc, however the 160cc being newer and difference size...
  2. topguntravis

    Drift Trikes/Huffy Slider

    Yeh kmart used to have them. I'll have to hunt around.
  3. topguntravis

    Drift Trikes/Huffy Slider

    Anyone know where you can buy Huffy Sliders from these days. Quite hard to find them new. Spewing I sold mine a few years back!
  4. topguntravis

    Big Pats Creek

    Anyone been riding out at Big Pats Creek, it's just east of East Warburton? If so have you ever encountered coppers n whats the tracks like? Cheers
  5. topguntravis

    FS: HPI Savage X

    eBay Australia: Buy new & used fashion, electronics & home d
  6. topguntravis

    Coolie has gone to the DARKSIDE!!!!

    Looks awesome!!! big bikes what i'm saving for at the moment. dont kill yourself on it :p
  7. topguntravis

    James Stewart arrested

    LOL thats funny as. What are the chances he tries to pull over off duty cops!
  8. topguntravis

    Damn you dad!

    I did a similar thing with me first bike. bought gear, bike, trailer, everything, kept it at my grandparents till my rents realised just how bad i wanted to ride, so i get where ya coming from. He can't really give it away if its at your mates place!
  9. topguntravis

    MINIRIDERS Fitness

    I can tell you what most people on here do to keep fit... This was made a little while back :p
  10. topguntravis

    Anyone got guns?

    how do you take the air restrictors out of the nerf guns minifighter?
  11. topguntravis

    sore toe

    Exactly, use the ball of your foot...or kinda aim your foot out a bit.
  12. topguntravis

    VIC MINI RACE with VCM OCTOBER 31st Stoney Creek Victoria

    I think Shez is trying to remind you his name is Eddie and he dislikes "Ed" haha well at least that's how I interpreted it :p
  13. topguntravis

    This Saturday 9th - Ride at Franga?

    I need to sleep tomorrow coz of a overnight shift tomoz night. I went today with a mate... Track condition was quite simply, ****!
  14. topguntravis

    This Saturday 9th - Ride at Franga?

    I'm craving a ride after nearly 2 months rideless lol So I'll probly head down to Franga for a ride, Street Party is on that day/night in Frankston as well. Hopefully see some riders there :)
  15. topguntravis

    The Night Shift Thread!

    They have blocked the internet at work when I do night shifts :|
  16. topguntravis

    help please

    Callum is pretty good, all the one's I know are lunatics and top blokes lol So if you want a wild child, Callum's your name :p Todd, Troy, Joe
  17. topguntravis

    VIC Riding Spots

    they used to have dirt bike coppers around warrandyte but i have never seen em
  18. topguntravis

    Sliders for sliding

    Wish I still had mine (sold it for a pitty). I sold mine for like $100 more than what I bought it for new lol They look like some sweet hills, Hillz. :p Bloody lunatics with oncoming traffic haha
  19. topguntravis

    VIC Riding Spots

    not ganna be legal unless it's someone you knows property.
  20. topguntravis

    glass house mountains, short video

    is that the new little spy cam off ebay?