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  1. topguntravis

    Welcome a couple of new VIP's!!

    Another one to the list ;) thanks guys :)
  2. topguntravis

    M.O.T.O game

    Love it! Shotgun fifty_boytim on my team :first:
  3. topguntravis

    VIC MINI RACE sept 19th

    Bloody unorganised tafe. Dunno if i'll be around for this one yet.
  4. topguntravis

    Mini Riders Tshirts

    How do I retract my vote. I wanna make it Medium...
  5. topguntravis

    MR t-shirts

    yeh wtf XL? You look pretty normal size. I was thinking its a large or even medium. I think I better change my size lol
  6. topguntravis

    MR t-shirts

    what size is yours Hillz?
  7. topguntravis

    Pit Bike FRAME P*RN

    doesn't look like it is strong enough coz it's so thin lol
  8. topguntravis


    Or make a Paypal account :p
  9. topguntravis

    Review: Billet pister pro EZ-pull

    I'd personally be spending the money on a HD perch over the actual lever as the perches bend n break more easily in my experience. (except for the super cheapo bi fold levers - they will break first crash). The angle on it looks far enough out so you won't crush your fingers.
  10. topguntravis

    billet head breathers?

    What does the line running from the breather connect to? I saw Sagone had it to like an air you have a secondary air filter for it?
  11. topguntravis

    vic ride days

    You'll be there matt? How?
  12. topguntravis

    heading to parwan tomoz

    Nah got tafe then. Still plan to go there with a few this weekend?
  13. topguntravis

    KLX Style China build!

    if it's weak spark could be magneto issue? check the spark plug gap? If the spark plug is wet too rich, etc.
  14. topguntravis

    KLX Style China build!

    At least check the timing first. If it's not that then ya ganna have to start looking deeper lol
  15. topguntravis

    Help me give my Rx some **** factor

    Sticker kit?
  16. topguntravis

    heading to parwan tomoz

    I'm thinking of going to Hastings tomorrow (Monday) Rach if the weather is good.
  17. topguntravis

    heading to parwan tomoz

    No point me coming. wouldn't of gotten there till about 2:30. too far for a short ride :p
  18. topguntravis

    KLX Style China build!

    lol wtf then? that's stupid. what engine is it?
  19. topguntravis

    heading to parwan tomoz

    I'll do my best. wish it wasn't so far.
  20. topguntravis

    KLX Style China build!

    did you own the engine from new?