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  1. topguntravis

    TTR175z First Pics Released!

    Good to see you made the dress up kit on the engine blue to keep it all matching. Nice
  2. topguntravis

    Victorian mini race 15th august

    Same with me
  3. topguntravis

    Victorian mini race 15th august

    Wow I'm excited! Looks better than I could of imagined :D
  4. topguntravis

    Victorian mini race 15th august

    Is that the Barrabool track in that picture Kosta? I'm in the same boat nicko, East Malvern are offering day memberships for $10 if your not a member of a club. I might have to do that. When I spoke to Brad Smith about the Braaap club he said you need a Braaap to go in their events/rides...
  5. topguntravis

    Ciniworx CXZ175 Review is Finally Here!!

    I also had the gear lever strip its teeth in first 15mins lol. They look trick but soft metal. Ed replaced free though :) Getting your suspension right is very important in my opinion especially since it has the linkage. Mine's still not perfect but after I set my preload and bit of rebound in...
  6. topguntravis

    Victorian mini race 15th august

    beat me to it :p I asked the other day too, only bummer with the Braaap membership is that you can't ride with them on things they organize unless you have a Braaap. But it will allow you to race in events coz it's MV associated.
  7. topguntravis

    which to get

    You realize they are cheap n nasty...Not what I would be getting unless it was just a farm bike or something. Pretty sure you will find issues if you start riding motocross tracks n jumping... LOL at the Link 250, looks so uncomfortable and homo in my opinion :p
  8. topguntravis

    Braaap stolen from hastings-langwarrin area!--FOUND & RETURNED! :D

    Great to hear. We would "hope" that the guy who picked it up from the side of the road had honest intentions and the the one returning it. Anyone know how it was found/who contacted Mike?
  9. topguntravis

    Interested in a Custom Sticker Kit?

    TTR style, very interested.
  10. topguntravis

    Valve seems to bottom out

    Is the timing on these engines like most where the timing is set like a few degrees forward so that for example on the induction stroke, the inlet valve opens just prior to TDC (valve lead), and the exhaust valve closes just after TDC (valve lag), so you get valve overlap for better efficiency...
  11. topguntravis

    Miniriders "dictionary"

    Oil = The numbers are the viscosity of the oil. The first number is its "cold" viscosity and the second number is its "hot" viscosity. Basically a range of the viscosity from cold temperatures to hot temperatures. Viscosity is the oils resistance to flow. (Honey is a great example, when it's...
  12. topguntravis

    Victorian mini race 15th august

    Yeh I want to coolie but just wanna make sure I can afford the race on 15th for now till I find more work. And I'm guessing that you pay your entry and get the forms into the club your a member of? Eg, DMCC?
  13. topguntravis

    oil question what do the numbers mean?

    The numbers are the viscosity of the oil. The first number is its "cold" viscosity and the second number is its "hot" viscosity. Basically a range of the viscosity from cold temperatures to hot temperatures. Viscosity is the oils resistance to flow. (Honey is a great example, when it's cold it...
  14. topguntravis

    Victorian mini race 15th august

    Did you find out if it's free or what the deal is man?
  15. topguntravis

    RevMX TTR175 Vs Ciniworx CXZ175 Comparison

    I think this was meant to be a review on the bikes themselves and what you get for what you pay. Dunno how people can argue which is better when they are basically exactly the same minus the suspension and also the same price. Really just comes down to personal preference and possibly location...
  16. topguntravis

    R.I.P. James "DvDRip" Scott

    Yeh nice. I liked that piston design. Also good place to put it...inside of arm
  17. topguntravis

    RevMX TTR175 Vs Ciniworx CXZ175 Comparison

    Thanks for the tips there Thump. Straight off i slowed the rebound, coz yes, it was pounding my ass and I'm not a fan of that in any way :p (knew about rebound from mtb's) Yes I got mixed up with the name of the "Preload" adjustment (I thought it was compression adjustment as well as the...
  18. topguntravis

    What brand is my pit bike?

    Couldn't agree more lol All I can see is it looks cheap and If your riding offroad then get a better air filter. The style on there would work ok, for say Motard riding, but will get dirt in the carby if you ride offroad. Never heard of that brand of carby either lol
  19. topguntravis

    RevMX TTR175 Vs Ciniworx CXZ175 Comparison

    Good review. My brakes are pretty damn touchy, I did bleed front and back brakes before riding first time so that may be why they aren't as sloppy as you make out... (the china brake fluid looks like water!) I recommend bleeding the china fluid and putting some good stuff into the brakes :)...
  20. topguntravis

    Victorian mini race 15th august

    You gotta be a member of say DMCC or an "associated club" right? That's money I didn't expect lol I planned to race but my work is being kunts and giving me 0 shifts :( Dunno if I can afford it anymore which sucks massive @#$%