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  1. motodevo

    125cc Semi Auto, Electric/Kick start no start

    If you have taken the head off there is def a possibility that the timing is out. Pretty easy to check. On top of the stator cover there should be a round cover the size of a 10c piece, take it out and spin the flywheel until the T mark is lined up in the middle of the hole (usually a notch to...
  2. motodevo

    125cc Semi Auto, Electric/Kick start no start

    If you have a can of aerostart or start ya bastard, pull the plug and spray a little into the cylinder through the spark plug hole, put the plug back in and hit the starter. If you get it to run or even just pop then you probably had an issue with getting fuel from carb (blocked pilot jet). If...
  3. motodevo

    Trying to identify my bikes

    Put up some pics, unfortunately identifying a chinese pitty isn't easy lile a jap bike, specs and style change depending on availability at random times
  4. motodevo

    what bike /engine is this?

    That is a gen thumpstar frame, probably the most desireable one being the billet frame one. The engine looks to possibly be a yx125 with secondary clutch (i have engine with gongyu on it that is marked as a yx). Next time it gets hot and wont start, pull the lead and check for spark, that would...
  5. motodevo

    Lifan 140cc Just won't start to matter what I do!

    +1 If its kicking back theres a good chance the flywheel has sheared the woodruff key and spun out of alignment. Most people don't realise that the woodruff key is only there to keep the flywheel aligned while you torque it up. It is kept aligned by being torqued onto the taper of the crank, if...
  6. motodevo

    125cc Semi Auto, Electric/Kick start no start

    Stator readings should be fine. Sounds like something is stopping the piston going all the way up the bore. Could be corrosion on the bore, could be a bent valve not closing and the piston is hitting it, or the timing could be out so the piston is out of sync with the valves and are making...
  7. motodevo

    125cc Semi Auto, Electric/Kick start no start

    Before you go any further, check the motor isn't locked up. With an elec start the easiest way would be to take the round cover off the chain side that gives access to the nut that holds the flywheel on the crank and put a socket on it and see if you can rock it back and forth. If not the rings...
  8. motodevo

    Can i get sa rego on my 1971 Z50?

    If your frame number is Z50A-382790 or higher, its a U type and therefore registerable
  9. motodevo

    Hi guys just sharing my lil Braaap

    Bigger front sprocket or smaller rear will increase top speed at the expense of loosing some bottom end speed/power. 92kph is near the max of what to expect out of a 125 suggesting the gearing is a good mix off low down grunt and top speed.If it were me i wouldn't change the gearing as the fun...
  10. motodevo

    New build. Mystery screw?

    Its your clutch adjustment. What you do to set it is turn the inner bolt with a flat blade counter clockwise until you feel some resistance, back it off 1/8 of a turn clockwise from there. Then whilst holding the inner bolt in that position with the flat blade, use a ring spanner to tighten up...
  11. motodevo

    Please help electrical issues with motovert rx

    Chinese electrics are hit and miss. Some motors require a half wave rectifier, others a full wave. Alot of reg/rec's need to have a battery connected to function correctly also.
  12. motodevo

    1988 Honda Z50R build.

    Dunno why but i can now get planetminis on google chrome on my phone again
  13. motodevo

    Bike is stuck in gear. *Last Hope Here*

    Yep lock washer is supposed to be bent to stop it backing off when running. You need a clutch nut tool, google pit bike clutch nut tool, once you see it you can order one/buy one for like10 bucks off ebay, or make one out of an old socket cut down with a grinder to fit the nut. If you are really...
  14. motodevo

    Bike is stuck in gear. *Last Hope Here*

    Okay, so a pictures worth 1000 words so i went out to the shed and yanked the cover off an auto 110 i am fixing up, figured it would make more sense with a pic(plus i had to get away from the missus and her junk reality TV show) You can see the shift star is hiding in the top right corner behind...
  15. motodevo

    Bike is stuck in gear. *Last Hope Here*

    Above the sprocket on the motor, there should a black rubber grommet/disc about 20mm in diameter. Pop it out with a small flat blade screw driver. Once its out you will see a 10mm bolt head. Put a socket on it and see if you can spin it, this is on the other end of the shift drum. Sounds like...
  16. motodevo

    Big bore for Terra Moto TDX-125F '13?

    The problem with putting a big bore kit on that engine is the clutch won't cope. The clutch on pretty much all chinese engines up to 125cc is on the end of the crank, called a primary clutch(ie clutch spins as fast as the engine,one revolution of the crankshaft = 1 revolution of the clutch). For...
  17. motodevo

    Fuel outlet too short

    Sounds like it's designed to have a wire hose clamp rather than a metal band type hose clamp. In a pinch you could use some tie wire like you'd use to wire on hand grips to keep it on. On one of my bikes i have just had a tiny cable tie holding my fuel line to the tank and carb for years, that...
  18. motodevo

    WTB Stock Size Carby for crf/xr50 - Must be Japanese...

    I know you said jap, but i have used 2 of these on stock z50/crf50 builds and worked perfectly each time, beats cleaning out an old corroded POS carb when you can buy one of these for under 20 bucks posted. Carb Assembly Carburetor For Honda Mini Trail Z50 Z50A Z50R K3 K2 K1 K0 IB | eBay...
  19. motodevo

    compression mystery?

    Good to hear you got it running, hopefully you solved your oil leak too
  20. motodevo

    compression mystery?

    My guess would be clutch, take off the stator cover and see whether the flywheel is spinning up when kicked over or whether it is slipping. You probably need to back off the clutch adjustment on the cover and then set it once you have the cover bolted on