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  1. motodevo

    new plastic and seat

    If its a honda clone it'll most likely be a crf50 or crf70 copy. Google images of them and see which one has the same side cover as yours, then order whichever style (crf50 or 70) plastics for it, both can be found cheap
  2. motodevo

    Yamaha Chappy 1978 LB50 No Spark

    Points gap is 0.35mm or 0.014 inches (14thousandths of an inch). You will need feeler gauges to adjust the points to this measurement. Take off the cover on the stator, line up the "F" mark on the stator to the mark on the cases (at the 12oclock position). When lined up on the f mark, you will...
  3. motodevo

    Yamaha Chappy 1978 LB50 No Spark

    Sounds like the points are always closed(not opening). The coil needs the points to break the flow of voltage to the coil, it will only spark when the circuit is broken (points open). Does the test light flicker when you kick it over or is it on solid? Check your points gap
  4. motodevo

    Lifan 125cc vs ducar 125cc????

    125 sounds like clutch issues, if it feels like theres no compression when kicking it then the clutch is either slipping or stuffed. On the 90, pull the clutch side cover off and see if the shift star is loose.
  5. motodevo

    Update throttle cable

    Have you taken off the filter and checked the slide is actually closed. If the slide is put in 180° opposite to what it should be it will be stuck wide open, if so remove, turn 180° and refit.
  6. motodevo

    1988 Honda Z50R build.

    Just downloaded the app, it is crap but atleast i can get onto the site now, there's a thread/s on there about how pretty much everyone cant get onto the site on a phone. Shame because there were/are some sweet builds on there, that and its 2017, who uses a computer anymore?
  7. motodevo

    1988 Honda Z50R build.

    Yeah hasn't been working on my phone either (android) for like a month or two
  8. motodevo

    Did I buy a lemon?! "lifan 148cc"

    As mentioned, that carb isn't the best option. Pretty sure you'll find its only a 124cc lifan. If the engine number starts 1p54fmj its a 124cc (the 54 stands for a 54mm bore)
  9. motodevo

    The Little Puppy, what to do first? Modded CRF50...

    There were some issues with honda 4 speeds from the 70s being fragile(like sl70 and xl70s) when more power is put through them, modern honda 4 speeds and aftermarket ones are more than capable of handling 88cc/106cc or more without issue. If going to 4 speed I'd try to get an all up one (N1234)...
  10. motodevo

    70cc electric start/ battery and charging wire problems!!!!!!

    Need a bit more info but it sounds like you're trying to charge the battery straight from the motor which won't work. The motor spits out unregulated AC. You need to feed the AC into a regulator/rectifier to charge a battery.
  11. motodevo

    Atomik Nitrous 160 Pitbike

    Dont think there is one anymore, they haven't been around for years
  12. motodevo

    daytona anima 150cc

    Animas a whole lotta motor for a 50! Quite a handful, would be fun to say the least, gpx125 would be fun too for half the price of an anima
  13. motodevo

    daytona anima 150cc

    It will bolt in, but with stock fork legs and springs the head may rub the front tyre on braking. Hd springs and/or longer fork legs, an aftermarket front end or an extended frame(alot of china crf50 style frames are 2 inches longer to accomodate bigger motors)
  14. motodevo

    Kawasaki KV75 No Start

    Its a piston port 2 stroke, so effectively the mixture is drawn in beneath the piston , as the piston goes down and seals off the intake port, the only place left for the mixture to go is through the transfer ports that transfer it to the top side of the piston, ie combustion chamber where it is...
  15. motodevo

    Upgrading choices?

    Piston and bore = good Piston, bore and cam = slightly better Piston, bore and race head (has cam) = best Obviously carb swapmakes a difference, you can rejet the stocker and with a bore kit will give heaps of extra torque down low but will be asthmatic in the upper rev range(for stunting that...
  16. motodevo

    What bike is this?

    Seeing it's got a crank mounted clutch (the giveaway is clutch arm on the front of motor) it most likely won't be any bigger than 125cc. Probably better gearing (sprockets) makes it feel faster than your old 150cc. Check the engine number, it will probably start with something like IP56********...
  17. motodevo

    50's brotherhood magazine

    Just dug through my old collection. This you? Sling me a pm with your address and I'll drop the mag in the post to you if you want, rather see it go to someone who it means something to rather than sit on the shelf collecting dust
  18. motodevo

    Whats oil for my lifan 140cc engine?

    I use honda gn4 in the black bottle, 30w. Its at every honda dealer and is usually under $10 a bottle
  19. motodevo

    Is this a Pit Pro???

    My mate has a pit pro for his son that has the same frame as that so it probably is. That being said, ALOT of other suppliers sold the exact same bike too. Seems pretty exxy for a 2nd hand 125cc bike, and to be honest Pit Pro's aren't any better(or worse) than most of the bikes out there. To put...
  20. motodevo

    zs190 vs daytona 190 vs yz160

    The zs190 is slated for release November so you wouldn't have been able to buy one, i doubt anyone in aus will be selling them this year. The only place listing them so far is alibaba.That price is most likely US dollars too. I wouldn't buy one until there is a few out there that have been run...