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  1. motodevo

    Street Legal Mini

    Buy a crf100, get a hold of an old 70's xl100 (or sl100, ct125, etc) complianced frame ( pretty cheap like under $100, i bought a late 70s xl100 minus the tank and forks for $150)), mod it to take a mono shock and whatever other brackets needed for tank, seat and plastics(could even cut brackets...
  2. motodevo

    Daytona 190 anima engine.

    What ignition map are you running?
  3. motodevo

    Street Legal Mini

    Probably more than you wanna spend but wont break any time soon..... a honda grom
  4. motodevo

    Gpx 125cc problems

    The lifan 125 is a good motor but as said, power wise it has nothing on the GPX. The GPX has much higher compression and a much livlier cam. Not to mention the lifan has the clutch mounted on the crank (ie if you're holding the motor at 12000 rpm, the clutch is spinning at 12000rpm) where the...
  5. motodevo

    Wr450f vs crf250

    I reckon its one of those better the devil you know situations. Who know what's wrong with the crf, you could be up for a lot more heartbreak once you swap bikes. If it were me, I'd download the factory manual off the net, buy a left case, gaskets/seals and have a go and fix it. If your not the...
  6. motodevo

    1988 Honda Z50R build.

    Love it! 88/89 zeds are the best looking of the late zeds
  7. motodevo

    Pitpro 125 Won't Pop Up

    My guess is gearing differences, however the longer the swingarm the harder it will be to pop up (more stable).
  8. motodevo


    Take the airfilter off, make sure the slide is closing almost all the way (1 or 2mm at most) wind out the idle adjustment if you have to, wind the fuel screw all the way in and back it out 1.5 turns, if all is right with the carb (ie no blockages) you should be close enough to run right. Make...
  9. motodevo

    Register my Atomik Reign

    Not only illegal, your kidding yourself that a cop won't realise what you've done. Sell your atomik and keep the motovert. At the very least you can use everything from your atomik but the frame. First thing any cop will do is check for the compliance plate on the frame of a bike that looks like...
  10. motodevo

    Long time no post !!! Z50 build with pictures

    Too nice for a kid to ride, get him a crf and keep this one for yourself! The pipe looks great
  11. motodevo

    Long time no post !!! Z50 build with pictures

    Looks tuff as, nice one
  12. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Not far off now, keep up the good work
  13. motodevo

    The Ollie Rocket project

    They have them here (first site i found on google search) Honda 1986 - 1987 Z5R Tank Decals Just so you know, the 86/87 z50r tanks are blaze red and not tahitian red like earlier models, this decal has a background in blaze red which may stand out on a tahitian red tank. Not a huge difference...
  14. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    I should have said, i only got half adjustment after i took to the cross tube with a hammer and flattened it, at halfway on the chain adjustment with the flattened cross tube i can only just fit a bit of paper between the tyre and swingarm crosstube. That's what you get when you put a 4.8x8 tyre...
  15. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Only prob with the tyres is they're soo big you lose half of your chain adjustment as you can't put the wheel all the way foward without it rubbing the swingarm. Thinking i might extend it 1 inch, still short enough to be fun (wheelie happy) but will regain full chain adjustability. After...
  16. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Atleast you caught the problem with the bars at home, could have made a mess of yourself if you found out wide open in 4th at your mates property. I had a similar issue with clamps not clamping enough. Ended up shaving .5 to 1 mm off the underside of the top pieces of the clamps allowing them to...
  17. motodevo

    pics-swingarm falling onto chain roller.

    Shock too long? If it were me I'd take off the fixed chain roller and fit a spring loaded one or just get a shorter shock
  18. motodevo

    Fifty of the month Jan - March sign on

    Might as well throw this in at the last minute. Got it cheap and are in the process of a budget build up, most parts were just stuff i had lying around in the shed. 1987 Z50R All original paint, surface rust just cleaned up 80's BMX bars Snow Hog tyres front and rear No name HD...
  19. motodevo

    Doodlebug 30. Pull starter rope snapped. Little recoil and clicking sound HELP

    A lot of times when the rope breaks the spring end will become unhooked. It is usually just a big coil of flat steel strip, with the end inside the coil folded over so it will hook (fit) into a slot in the housing and preventing it from loosing tension.
  20. motodevo

    No compression, Lifan 125

    Take off the stator cover and see whether the flywheel is spinning when you kick it, if not that would confirm you need to adjust your clutch (kickstart drives through the clutch)