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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. motodevo

    What to pack for a trail ride on a pitbike - SSR125

    Spare spark plug(and spark plug wrench), can of starting spray, assorted nuts and bolts
  2. motodevo

    Honda z50 modified

    Still no pics, maybe only mods can see them?
  3. motodevo

    Mini bike shakes violently.

    Maybe chock it up so the rear wheels off the ground and rev it up, might give you a clue to the issue. I'd be looking at the clutch especially
  4. motodevo

    what kind of kawasaki mini bike is this?

    There's nothing kawasaki there apart from the stickers that say kawasaki. Its a chinese 2 stroke pocket bike. Google 50cc pocket bike
  5. motodevo

    rock hard kick start

    +1, take off the valve covers so you can see which one is the tight one while you rotate the flywheel by hand.
  6. motodevo

    Possible mini bike build ?

    Compliance plates didn't come in to effect in Australia until January 1976, Honda Australia started puting compliance plates on CT70s and Z50s mid to late 75. Hardtail z50s never had comp plates, it gets a little complicated as there were 2 almost identical models sold known as the GE(general...
  7. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Jinx! Didn't happen to get them from AMX bayswater did you? Bought 2 from there a few months ago for one of the bikes, guy didn't know what they were for until i told him and convinced him to order in more. A word of warning, they sound like an air raid siren over 80kph on the road. If you want...
  8. motodevo

    New dirt bike

    They look good but the engine is sitting on a fair angle, pretty much halfway between a horizontal pit bike engine and a traditional upright motor. I just wonder with the oil pickup area in the cases being at the front lower section of the cases are they just filling them with more oil to get it...
  9. motodevo

    full auto 150cc...possible?

    There is the tb parts 146cc big bore kit for 125's, Jaimie at classic honda 50s (site sponser) can sell you it.
  10. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Hell yeah:action-smiley-035:
  11. motodevo

    2008 atomik reign bigfoot 150 starting issues

    Are you getting the piston to just past Top Dead Centre before you kick it? If not it can kick back and possibly do damage to you or your cases.
  12. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    "Piece from here, piece from there"..... Quote from one of my fav movies
  13. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Nah its just bits and pieces i had lying around really, too many projects means no money to build a real killer bike. $75 frame and wheels, $40 webike tank, $20 webike seat, rear guard is a gt80 one i had radiused to suit, $20 swap meet swingarm, forks i had, motor was a crf70 bottom end i won...
  14. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Not too much work. I used a brake plate off an mr50 as they have the same size brakes as a z50r/crf50 but they have a mount point for the brake cable, you have to drill out the axle hole from 10 to 12mm. The forks had 15mm axle holes so i sleeved them down to 12mm. I had to cut/grind a fair bit...
  15. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Gunna want a longer swingarm with a 150 in it. Sounds like it will be a killer lil 50. On another i am building i am using an XR80 swingarm which works out to be around +10cm, works out nice with 330mn shocks and levels it out with the fastace copy pitbike forks I have on the front.
  16. motodevo

    Z150R Project

    Nice. I scored another zed a week ago, this ones an 87 z50r. How much are you going to modify it?
  17. motodevo


    I buy bits and pieces of them, mainly because they're 5 mins down the road. Go there with cash and you can save a few bucks off everything
  18. motodevo

    Power of 49cc eBay pull start motors?

    Here's one i found on ebay (first one that came up)
  19. motodevo

    Power of 49cc eBay pull start motors?

    Blata make killer 2 stroke pocket bikes, but the price is killer too, thousands not hundreds. There are chinese copies of the watercooled blata's, i have one down the back of my shed, not a bad little 2 banger but I'll take a pitty over it anyday
  20. motodevo

    Exciter coil.

    I had to repair a daytona style stator because there was a gouge in the exciter coil(and because I'm a tight arse who doesn't like forking out for new parts if i can fix it), so i unwound it until i had removed all of the damaged copper, sanded off the enamel and soldered on the new wire and...