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  1. motodevo

    50 Build!

    Good pitty shops should have them, if not you can get a crf50 one from honda ($4 or so last time i got one). Sounds like a loose shift star to me, if its not loose could be worn shift forks
  2. motodevo

    50 Build!

    Well you're gunna need a new woodruff key, although that wouldn't cause your neutral problem. Make sure you torque up the flywheel when you put it back on or it will sheer the woodruff key. Is it just the clutch slipping when you roll the power on? Might just be a clutch adjustment if it is. If...
  3. motodevo

    Smaller head on larger case?

    Good result, atleast now if anything happens you know you're 100% legal. Sounds like it would be fun to rip up the streets on
  4. motodevo

    CRF50 Build

    Could it be an ignition problem? Maybe stator getting hot then crapping out
  5. motodevo

    Smaller head on larger case?

    Might want to do some investigating, most states will allow for a 20-25% increase in capacity without the need to have it engineered or approved which is mighty close. The ct110 brakes are also used on higher capacity models to (xl175,etc) so even if you did have to get it checked there...
  6. motodevo

    Help me before I pull what's left of my hair out 82 DS80

    The only thing i can think of is the points are shorting to ground, if there is a fibre washer missing/broken/in the wrong place the points would be shorting to the motor and killing the spark. Also make sure the coil is earthed properly, if you have fresh paint you may need to bare a little...
  7. motodevo

    The Ollie Rocket project

    Couple of issues i have had with zed motors giving similar issues. Check your points gap, with my J1 i spent days trying to get it to run right, pulled down the carb half a dozen times searching for blockages, everytime it revved up it would pop and fart and carry on from mid revs onward...
  8. motodevo

    Recurring motovert pain

    I stole some beading needles off my missus, they are super thin, thin enough to clean the pilot jet on a stock 50 carb. You can get them from spotlight for a few bucks for a pack of 4
  9. motodevo

    Pit Bike Transmission

    +1 all the smaller(up to 125) chinese engines i have pulled apart have had pretty much the same parts inside the cases
  10. motodevo

    Temporary fix to quiten exhaust

    SS scourers work well to quieten down a bike, wont do any harm to the engine, done it before to get loud bikes under legal limits for inspection, and if its only for a day i wouldn't bother putting in any more effort
  11. motodevo

    Boingk's SDB Enduro Pro 250cc (Aircooled)

    yeh i wouldn't put in any oil that doesn't say that it is specific for motorcycles, pretty much any oil designed for a car has friction modifyers(make your clutch slip), for the small cost of oil its worth getting the right stuff and changing it often(especially when brand new)
  12. motodevo

    What is this?

    The only honda I can see are the tank plastics, they might be Chinese too with honda stickers
  13. motodevo

    Big bike racing classes

    Yeh viper stood for VIctorian Pre Eighties Register but now they're pre 90's, spose VIPNR doesn't sound as cool. Forgot to mention about vinduro events also (vintage enduro), thinking about dusting off the ol 79 it175 and entering in the odd one or two soon
  14. motodevo

    1978 rm 125c

    dirtbikes got fun around the mid eighties. Wish i still had my 85 rm125, when you kept it on the pipe it was sooooo much fun to ride/race. Heres a pic at broadford a few years back, last time it saw the track with me on it
  15. motodevo

    Big bike racing classes

    Here ya go
  16. motodevo

    Broken Coil, Mystery Carb

    Check your engine number, if its a CZ100 engine its worth big bucks(1000 bucks up), its below the front sprocket, engine prefix will be like cz100####### or c100#######. If its a C100 its not really valuable even though they are the same engine essentially
  17. motodevo

    Old school bmx

    A mod has to approve your user account before you can post, to stop the spambots. Usually takes a day or two
  18. motodevo

    First post, awaiting a fullsize China bike.

    Love the "menstor" racing stickers! Menstor, sounds like a name for menopause medication! Gotta love the chinese. Bike looks OK, give it a good once over and regular servicing and you should get more than 1500 worth of fun out of it
  19. motodevo

    Brendo's stupid plan

    reminds me of one of these be fun at the skate park
  20. motodevo

    Transformation These 2 look good and could go cheap, plenty of guys...