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  1. R

    This bloke has N.F.I

    "He is telling me the pocket rocket is a 150cc, water cooled engine that rides at 117kph" Well thats a 50cc aircooled cag pocket bike, it does 50km/h tops. Thats a quadtard, it also has the same 50cc engine.
  2. R

    Our Track in SA

    That track looks awesome!
  3. R

    DHZ and pitro pittys selling so cheap on ebay in the last week

    Maybe its because the Aussie dollar was doing so well against the greenback last fornight, as chinese factories sell in USD.
  4. R

    SA. Pt Elliot Pits, pocket bike racing

    Riding at the pits was a blast! Thanks again Brian for taking me and helping me change my gearing. I only appear once or twice in the video, wearing a green pilots jacket riding a cag with black fairings #91.
  5. R

    The Three Amigos / Kamikazee Disposal's Pit Bikes - Adelaide SA

    I feel sorry for those 200+ people that buy bikes from you.
  6. R

    how old were you wen you first jumped

    When i was about 10 on a qr50.
  7. R

    The Track Challenge

    Well... so far nothing more has happend i was working all day today and im probably racing minibikes tomorrow.
  8. R

    Killn tha beach!!

    Asif he can do all that @ 15 :o
  9. R

    The Track Challenge

    I dont get to do it in school time, its a "personal project" and we have to do a 2k essay @ then end.
  10. R

    check this out!

    xD my sick track -1i,1i,1i,1i 1i,1i,2l,1q 2l,1q,48,2c 48,2c,5j,3f 5j,3f,bq,9p bq,9p,ft,d8 ft,d8,i4,eb i4,eb,lr,ep ls,dv,jv,ej lr,dv,lq,et lb,e5,lp,e0 lp,e0,l0,e8 l0,e8,lq,e0 lr,ep,ll,fh ll,fh,lr,gb lr,gb,lg,h1 lg,h1,ls,ip ls,ip,lq,jj lq,jj,lk,kf lk,kf,li,m1 li,m1,m8,n3 m2,n5,li,o1...
  11. R

    The Track Challenge

    Real! Buddy....
  12. R

    The Track Challenge

    Excuse my ROUGH SKETCHY drawings, im no paint pro so dont give me **** about the drawings.
  13. R

    The Track Challenge

    This is my main idea, but im unsure if i will be able to get it done under the $600 budget. [The red is a table top and the green is a double, all the cornered will be berms]
  14. R

    The Track Challenge

    Your challenge is to plan/design a track. The track must be able to be made with $600. Here are the measurements of the land you have to work with: Btw these measurements are rough, it was a fairly quick measure up rushed because i wanted to continue riding! Note: The soil is too sandy...
  15. R

    check this out!

    My backflippin track -7,-4i,-v,-3g -v,-3g,-d,-39 3,-44,-3,-3t -3,-3t,-1,-3g -1,-3g,6,-3o -1i,1i,1i,1i d,-8a,l,-56 c,-8e,23,-86 1u,-79,h,-6l h,-6l,2k,-5a 3o,-4k,v,-4q 6,-3o,4,-41 i,-47,b,-3k k,-46,i,-3s i,-3s,11,-47 11,-47,14,-35 1c,-41,17,-2k 23,-86,1u,-79 3g,-7k,2q,-5v 4b,-4o,2p,-63...
  16. R


    Just jokes brian... just jokes.
  17. R


    So ill take that as either you dont have a sq for sale or you just dont want to help the competition because your affraid ill win!
  18. R


    Here you go...
  19. R


    I can race, its whether my frame is up to it or not, my frame is very rooted around the top engine mount, it has been rewelded but it just cracked around the weld! Got any SQ's lying around? Guys ill get you a photo of what its like now, its come up pretty good!