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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. R

    Tell me what you think

    Im not keen on ebay because if you uy interstate you cant start the bike and closely inspect it. Nor can i see if i fit on it.
  2. R

    Tell me what you think

    Motox, im not very keen on ebay. I live in adleaide too. Would u be able to sell me the one u bought for like $600 and you buy another off them?
  3. R

    BEST eBay BIKES?

    I agree, most of the people in this section are bias, all of you saying "omgzz !111 GEt A Orion !11 ThEy r Teh Rox0r, I kno nuffin bout bikes but it works lololol"
  4. R

    Backfiring etc

    Walk it to be safe.
  5. R

    Headlight on me fiddy! !!UPDATED!!: Now With Wiring Diagram!

    RD don't forget the indecators!
  6. R

    Sticker kits

    You do know that Woot means We Own the Other Team?