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  1. W

    what are these bikes like?

    The ONLY significant difference between this and the pitpro is the frame.... and for under $100 u can get a pitpro farme...... everyone harps on about the pitpro, but unless u get one for around $500 they arent worth it. Just like these ones arent worth it for any more than $400. Having said...
  2. W

    Possible to back in a minimotard?

    How do u get the bike to back in? Lock the rear? Always looks cool, hope I can do it on my mini!
  3. W

    if you buy a rx. ADR plate woes.

    a couple yrs ago i was a posty... posty bikes cant really go past 80km/h unless u have a tail wind and down hill lol..... anyways... point is.... they are still fun bikes to ride. This thing would be great fun on short trips. Good job mate I rly like it.
  4. W

    Making your own supermoto peg sliders

    I just made some of these.... for plastic I used an old Everglide mouse pad I had laying around. I dont have a dremel so couldnt put the indents into them. I just put some extra cable ties on. Havent tried them yet but I would assume they work. cheers spoon :)
  5. W

    if you buy a rx. ADR plate woes.

    ur going to ride a mini motard on the rd? freeways and ****? did I get that right?..... lmao if true!
  6. W

    Wiring diagram for IRK ?

    Ahhhh, new i had seen it somewhere. Didnt think to look in the obvious spot lol cheers snitch
  7. W

    Wiring diagram for IRK ?

    Anyone got a wiring diagram for a china? Or even a wiring diagram that comes with some of those inner rotor kits? I have seen one on here before, but for the life of me cant find it... have looked through a heap of old IRK posts :confused: cheers
  8. W

    Is Pitpro **** or what????

    30mm carbi? bit big isnt it? Now that u posted the link on here expect it to reach $800 lol
  9. W

    China minis vs Jap minis

    No comparison between Harley and Jap engines. Have you ridden a buell... "sports bike" with a harley engine..... biggest nugget out. Revs to about 8000 and has 5 gears lol Jap bike revs to 180000 and doesnt have ****** push rods... did I hear someone say Harleys sound good? lmao
  10. W

    Need Stronger Front Brake

    Has anyone tried to fit some brakes from another bike? Goto a wrecker and see if any second hand ones fit from a honda or similar... might be worth a shot.
  11. W

    China minis vs Jap minis

    ^^^^ I know ur only **** stirring... nice try though!
  12. W

    China brakes

    So the pads are rubbing on the disc? lol
  13. W

    China brakes

    I dont get it... whats rubbing on what?
  14. W

    What tyres do you use?

    Yeah, I dont believe that either! My pilot sports are sticky and I havent even used them yet!
  15. W


    If anyone thinks this is in appropriate please remove I have been watching some guys race @ my local go kart track and when they ride through the pits they seem to be able to do stoppies and wheelies with ease. I have tried a couple of times (wheelie) and struggle to keep the front wheel...
  16. W

    6 piston brake kit fitting

    I had this exact same problem when fitting my wheels.... Was a piece of piss to fix... I just spaced out the disc on the front with washers until it lined up. The wheel is off center by a fraction. I doubt it will make a difference as its probably not lined up from the factory anyway! Rear was...
  17. W

    What tyres do you use?

    couple of hundred? Ill take 5 sets please lol
  18. W

    What tyres do you use?

    couple hundred? what type tyre? must be pretty crap.... if ur gonna race dont get the crappy Ebay ones! Better off buying them yourself.... michelin would have to be best value for money IMO.... pilot powers stick awsome so i would imagine sports would also.
  19. W

    Mini Motard Pictures

    Sure is! Unfortunately when you buy everything second hand and off Ebay you dont get much of a choice. It actually has red alloy wheels, but they have the dirt tyres on it. The front blue rim i bought which i was going to fit to my other mini bike (which is blue) but got a good deal on this...