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  1. W

    dook salad

    Hey mate, what have u spent all up on this project? Considering something like a MSO, motovert etc.. cost a few grand was wondering if your better of doing this instead... I have a spare bike with most parts on it @ home and am going to start a project like this.
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    is this bike any good??

    lol Showa forks are actually top quality gear..... I would suspect that they aren't showa however and just crappy china copies.... as for the bike.... I reckon you should buy it and let us know how it goes
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    What Do You Think Of The Pitpro 110cc 2008

    lol, Im sure your parents wont mind that u want to get rid of it after a couple wks and buy a 125. Why on earth would u want a auto 110 over a 4 speed 125 *shrugs*
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    lifan 138cc with irk and oil slinger

    So after reading the replys I reckon my answer is the best hahaha... cause everyone thinks they are an expert in the internet... except me lol
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    I think u goto pump up ur rear tyre a little!
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    Tech Review - UNI Filter

    Foam are ghey for the simple fact that u goto throw them out.... UNI's pay for them selves after a while. And they look ubes
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    South morang Sunday 30th december

    I went up to see who was there... although this was on the go kart track. Was dead so I went home.... to hot anyways.... would have been roastin in full leathers!
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    lifan 138cc with irk and oil slinger

    Just take the engine cover off that houses the oil slinger and see if the new one u have is smaller.. if its smaller whack it in!
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    What Do You Think Of The Pitpro 110cc 2008

    went for the 110 cos of the 10 inch wheels n no clutch, as i think having big wheels n a clutch really defeats the purpose of a pit bike! I lol'd!!
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    South morang Sunday 30th december

    u can ride all sized bikes... Im gonna head up soon :)
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    New to Motard, Which bike to buy?

    U can ride ur 140cc around any track.... but if u want to race on race days and earn points then get a 125 as there is no class for 140cc... yet.... There are no mod restrictions on engines so any mods are allowed as long as it stays 125cc
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    Riding spots around Melbourne

    Its open from 10 till 7. Closed tuesday and wednesday. U can use whatever tyre on the track.... i will most likely be there this sunday
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    What bar thickness?

    lol @ bike shops getting ****** at cheap china bikes!
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    New to Motard, Which bike to buy?

    Huge difference between the first 2 and the last.... The lei XR will sell for under $400 and the MSO will prob sell for closer to $600. MSO is a better bike, just depends what u want to spend. I have the lei xy-s 125cc..... cost me $425 The lei xy-s has a ****** frame compared to the...
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    My Vert officially buggered

    Yeah mate, read all 14 pages. Probably why I missed the bit about wiring not original. Started to get sleepy!
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    Riding spots around Melbourne

    nah mate, no age limit if u have ur own bike...... Just need appropriate gear and a bike in decent condition. Dirt track is **** and the go karts to hire are VERY slow.... if u want to take ur kid to a go kart track goto the one in sunshine off the ring rd... its along the western highway, call...
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    the carby situation,guidelines needed...

    Im a total noob when it comes to carbis etc..... but I noticed u said ur bike had a 26 carbi but its really a 22. Are they all like this? If so, what would be the correct carbi size for a 125cc lifan (black motor) with larger exhaust? cheers
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    My Vert officially buggered

    Any brand of bike is going to have problems with top class wiring like that. So you admit the vert has **** wiring? lol $3,500 is a bit rich dont ya think?
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    What did you get for Christmas?

    Damn, most of u guys did all right!! I had a awsome lunch with my family which is enough for me... also got some gifts but nothin to brag about.
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    So you got RC's for Xmas!????

    I had a electric road car I raced down @ templstowe race track in melb for a while.... gets VERY boring VERY quick.... and it costs a **** load and you dont have much to show for it! Mini dirt bikes best bang for your buck fo shizzle! haha $500 for a china and ur set...... RC cars cost around 1G...