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  1. JasonP

    Braap Fuel switch have a read

    Hey Brad, thanks for your reply! I took the plastics and seat off lastnight before Paul rang and did a little fuel test and sure as hell down is on :) Paul rang me and asked me a few questions about the needle clip position etc then i put her all back together and he said to have a play round...
  2. JasonP

    Braap Fuel switch have a read

    yeah thats exactly what i was thinking but wanted some back up first. thanks for the reply iv got warrenty on the bike seeing as a bought it brand new so will send it back to the shop and get all the engine work done for free
  3. JasonP

    Braap Fuel switch have a read

    Well im sure the fuel line is down to be on but got a massive problem!> just went for a little ride maybe 5 mins max cause it was dark and when i turned my bike off i looked down and my pipe was glowing aboslutly red !like redder than coals in a fire. this got me really alarmed so i jumped...
  4. JasonP

    Braap Fuel switch have a read

    Thanks for the helpful replies. There is no arrows on it and i dont want to take the fuel line off because its in a fairly tight spot and need to take the plastics of ill strick with down as on
  5. JasonP

    Braap Fuel switch have a read

    not trying to shut u down but cr125r's are nothing like a braaap is there anyone else that actually has braaap ?
  6. JasonP

    Braap Fuel switch have a read

    Hey guys had my first ride on the 09' Braaap Maestro 150cc today running her in but got a question. When i was in the shop the guy told me that to turn the petrol on you needed to turn the handel from pointing down to pointing sideways and that reserve was pointing straight up. well when i went...
  7. JasonP

    NOS for Thumpers

    haha yeah that guy is a hell ****** but you get that. Atomik is an alrigth manufacturer (i own one and never had any problems) But i recently bought an 09' Braaap Maestro 150cc which is set up for track/super motard racing :):):)
  8. JasonP

    150cc pitpro or 150cc atomik reign bigfoot?

    Well i had a 140cc Atomik ProX 06' and i rode it hard for 2 years only thing needed were tyres after they were bald
  9. JasonP

    09 150cc Braaap Maestro

    Well im yet to ride it because by the time i got home last night it was to dark but ill be riding her tonight if its not raining so fingers crossed
  10. JasonP

    09 150cc Braaap Maestro

    Some pics as promised even one of it in the dealer for show haha ;)
  11. JasonP

    NOS for Thumpers

    Hows this !!! would love to get this kit of an old pitbike and just thrash it ! hahaha Enjoy Mini Dirt Bikes Tips & Tricks: How to get your pit bike going faster
  12. JasonP

    Official Post pics of your bike Thread

    09' Braaap Maestro 150cc and an 06' Atomik ProX 140cc in the background
  13. JasonP

    Braaap Maestro Oil?????

    Also just another quick question i had a look under the bike at the oil drain plug (sump plug) and noticed there is another one further over what is the other one for??
  14. JasonP

    Braaap Maestro Oil?????

    yeah i will do what size is the allen key you use?? the biggest one i have is 6mm and its like 2 time too small ahah so im think in a 10mm ??
  15. JasonP

    Braaap Maestro Oil?????

    i didnt have a screwdriver big enough but im gonna borrow a mates one just to get the diameter then buy my own
  16. JasonP

    Braaap Maestro Oil?????

    haha thankyou ! ill try the screwdriver and see if that works ! i didnt even think of that. and yeah it says 900ml is good. with the oil filter how often should i put a new one in and do i need to soak it in oil before i put it back in?. No was am i taking the clutch off god what a hassel. On my...
  17. JasonP

    Braaap Maestro Oil?????

    can some one please help ! i really need this fixed so i can run it in and be riding on the weekend
  18. JasonP

    Braaap Maestro Oil?????

    :confused:I just got home from school and work and went to chuck some oil in before i ride it tomorrow and found the oil dipstick but its a silver allen key think under the clutch line thats hard to get to and it a massive size! I will have to go and buy a big a$$ allen key now andd figure out...
  19. JasonP

    09 150cc Braaap Maestro

    Yeah will def get some pics happening !! of the bike and of me riding it, cant wait to mod it up already got custom Monster energy graphics and White plastics but hopefully going for the hot up kit soon get her really pimping will have pics of the bike up by tomorrow night
  20. JasonP

    09 150cc Braaap Maestro

    Well 4 grand for the bike and all up a paid 4500 and i got the goggles thrown in for free and a 200 dolla discount