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  1. Trashthumpy

    whoo 143cc KLX110 project done (pics)

    hey guyes, the klx is all done, the 143 pakage is very very good, awsome power now!! heres some pics. mods: I Shock Red Barron fork springs Pro Tapers tall seat heavy duty spokes powder coated swinger and fork legs Five0 footpegs and mount TB 143cc bore TB race head TB race cam...
  2. Trashthumpy

    genuine pro taper mini height

    nice bars mate but dont they feel a bit low?? what rise are they and what bike are they on??
  3. Trashthumpy

    $2000 what to get?

    KLX110 for shure mate hands down no questions asked! iv had a china mini and a china mid size and my new klx is so so much better to ride! awsome lil bikes
  4. Trashthumpy

    Commodore Rims on a WB ute??

    ok thanks pitmaster, il get looken for some HQ-WB wheels
  5. Trashthumpy

    Commodore Rims on a WB ute??

    anyone no if commo rims will fit a WB ute? like VN, VP, VS???
  6. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    na no machinery....we got a cat in fgor the downy
  7. Trashthumpy

    Atomik RS the Long awaited Review

    insult i think
  8. Trashthumpy

    what to look for???

    it will be fine if you maintain and treat it well, good luck and have fun mate
  9. Trashthumpy

    KLX110 race bike project stage 1!

    im 16, and bout 5' 10" ok prob MOST china frames
  10. Trashthumpy

    KLX110 race bike project stage 1!

    im 65kg the frame will be fine its stronger than anything china has put out so far, there is blokes flipping klx110 wid stock frames 35f + no worries
  11. Trashthumpy

    KLX110 race bike project stage 1!

    lil over a grand aus dollar
  12. Trashthumpy

    KLX110 race bike project stage 1!

    yer il be doing the work myself but il take it into the shop if i get stuck
  13. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    whoo hell ild thread, na dont have the 250f anymore all coin is goin into the klx110 the ramp ended up at about 40f on the 250 but the 80 couldnt hack that ( **** suspention), yea iv hit it on the klx and its pretty sweet, need to do some work on the downy and it will be better. the ramp is on...
  14. Trashthumpy

    KLX110 race bike project stage 1!

    Hey Guyes, I have recived most of my engine parts from america today so iv taken out the engine ready for, 143cc kit (cam, 26mm mikuni etc), race head, 4th gear, manual clutch kit and new engine casses. il post up more pics and how things are going alone the way.
  15. Trashthumpy

    intro to 1fifty1wheel

    hey mate welcome to the site, most of the guyes on here go to school, im an apprentice panel beater myself. im into MTB riding , dirt jumps etc. cheers Ryan
  16. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    yer i just measured it then yea 75cm the I shock adds a fair it of hight and the fork springs add 1" in the frount end
  17. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    seat hight is 75cm bit higher than stock, it doesnt have the torque of a 125 or 140 but when the revs are up is still goes hard and keeps up wid china 125's easy. The handling is the best thing i recon though. great on the ramp too :)
  18. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    yea mate im wrapped with it so much beter than my old mso!!!! it doesnt feel lie a blob of jelly with wheels. pics:
  19. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    klx is a 2004 matey
  20. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    ha this thread is old....well to conclude this thread i have sold my MSO and My YZ250f and have purchased a KlX110 and presently modding......