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  1. Trashthumpy

    Know your frames

    i think some people think that klx's have perimiter frames cause the only klx's people see are the BBR made ones with the perimiter frames.
  2. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    how much should i expect to pay for a stock 03 04 KLX 110 in decent nic? i was thinking $1300-$1800?
  3. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    i dunno prob will, but they should be fine
  4. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    IM NOT GETTING ANOUTHER CHINA BIKE!! I dont care how shinny and bling they look! i have had a thumpstar and a MSO and yes they are ok for a china bike but they just dont last!
  5. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    yea i no i could get the 160 kit but id have to pay to get machine work done and i want to keep most of the original internals.
  6. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    ok i've gone through the things i need (or want lol) Red Barron bar kit-$375 143cc TB big bore & carb kit- $787 pro circuit exhaust- $450 Red Barron footpeg and mount- $250 Red Barron Frount springs- $135 I-shock- $450 Bash plate- $120 Anti rotation Brake drum brace- $65 $2,632...
  7. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    cheers flarry that seems a good site the 143cc big bore kit and carb kit looks good for $787 and maybe a new 4 speed shift drum and that would be about it for the engine side of things. is TB a good brand? also with the 143 kit their is no gearbox modifications necassary?
  8. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    what are the best online shops for sorcing parts for a klx110?? soz for all the questions but just trying to work out costing and stuff
  9. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    what about a ttr90??
  10. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    thanks but no thanks ken im the MSO series are a great bikes but im going to stick with a Jap bike, and flarry that would be great if u could keep ur eyes peeled 4 me cheers man.
  11. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    ok a klx110 it is then now to get my hands on one.....mmmm any for sale round her? lol where would be the best place to find one??
  12. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    i think il prob go with a 2002-2004 klx110 and mod mod mod.
  13. Trashthumpy

    best mini for $3000-$3500?

    hey guyes, selling up the 250f and buying a better mini. got about 3-3.5k to spend and whant somthing that will be tough as nails not a pretty boy bike. whats urs suggestions?? oh and a 50 is to small for me. cheers trash
  14. Trashthumpy

    busted my knee!!!!!!

    yea dude ur knee will be sweet soon enough, bout a year ago i broke the top of my tibia of and had my leg facing on a 45 degree angle to the rest of my leg. not fun.....15 weeks off the bike
  15. Trashthumpy

    NEW SA 50s RACING CLUB.............

    so whats the news on insurance and all that now?
  16. Trashthumpy

    NEW SA 50s RACING CLUB.............

    man im loving this track already, great job on it. cant wait to ride it!! many thanks to all the guyes slogen their guts out to get this up and running. cheers Ryan
  17. Trashthumpy

    My Vert officially buggered

    agreed KTMKID
  18. Trashthumpy

    NEW SA 50s RACING CLUB.............

    this is like the best news on MR eva! so who's doin it? hows the track comen along?, when is it beeing held? cheers Trashy....yes me again
  19. Trashthumpy

    The real mature Mod

    oi leave my misses alone! he comes home crying to me everynight because of you, its ok baby.....
  20. Trashthumpy

    Sixeven, Cheers

    yeah i bearly ever come on here anymore it used to be good sorce of info and entertainment but latley it kinda all turned to ****, their is a big lack in members who actualy no what their talking about and how come on to share info and help not just to feel big and diss other members. I no the...