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  1. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    so can anybody tell me what its worth?
  2. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    i paid 1130 for it, well im not realy sik of them its just that i dont realy use it much cause i ride my 250f mainly and it is such a huge quailty difference i can never be happy with a china. oh and i need cash to buy a car
  3. Trashthumpy

    sick of china bikes

    hey guyes, well im ova china bikes now, so now im just going to stick with JAP bikes. my question is how much could i sell my MSO X7R for?? iv had it for about 7-8 monthes and it has a 102.5 main jet and a full new set of spare plastics and bars. Cheers Ryan
  4. Trashthumpy

    The best midsize bike.

    pascal....ohh im not even going to bother
  5. Trashthumpy

    I Rode Jams Today!!

    i have, no worries man
  6. Trashthumpy

    I Rode Jams Today!!

    pfft soft...
  7. Trashthumpy

    I Rode Jams Today!!

    yeah il be down their this sunday
  8. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    maybe when ur older son......
  9. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    yeah me and a mate made the ramp, and yeah it does get boring to wach
  10. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    oops wrong section my bad
  11. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    na man its fair easy
  12. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    yeah im on the yz250f.....(the big one)
  13. Trashthumpy

    Ramp Sesh!!

    me and a mate riden our new ramp, i wanted to bring it back a heap more but my mate on the old yz80 wasnt shure if his bike would hack the vid is realy bad quality due to it being filmed on a phone. not bad for our first day on a ramp. YouTube - hitt'n the ramp
  14. Trashthumpy

    DHZ138 where's the REFUND

    pascal....ur a knob
  15. Trashthumpy

    Hayden says "Hello"

    hey man!, if ur anything like ur big bro ur a top bloke and a great rider, look forward to ur input into the site
  16. Trashthumpy

    Someone Buy This!!!

    blody hell that thing is death on wheels!
  17. Trashthumpy

    Congrats to Benox....

    whoo onya ben! you should do well since ur on here like 24/7
  18. Trashthumpy


    yep im the same as daniel
  19. Trashthumpy

    different lifan engines?

    the american silver lifan is the same as our lifan black engine
  20. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    yep thats the one.......