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  1. Trashthumpy

    Hey Guys!

    lol, NO pamela (borat voice)
  2. Trashthumpy

    What is this trick? Is it even a trick?

    yeah it that hasnt been put to dirt, but im shure somones tried it into foam
  3. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    na i wont sell it its a death trap
  4. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    oh then again i wont sell it its been sitting in the rain foe like a month....probaly kinda dangerous
  5. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    iv got a 50 ramp......hint hint.....but if not try using a 22 0r 44 gallon drum on its side and pile dirt on that, uses way less dirt
  6. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    made it no worries man, exept the time when i left the fuel off......
  7. Trashthumpy

    I think my clutch has gone?

    i think you would notice if ur sprocket had rounded off, it makes a realy bad noise
  8. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    yeah 2 tonnes would be good 1 tonne for the up rampo and 1 tonne for the downie
  9. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    1 tonne of dirt is F&%K all, if ya dont no pascal why say it would be??? duhh
  10. Trashthumpy

    Cheap Project Bike, Under $500?

    hahahahahahahaha yep theirs a project 45 ya
  11. Trashthumpy

    A Jump With 1 Tonne of Dirt

    mmm no its wont be enough for a table top maybe enuff for a small double. like this:
  12. Trashthumpy

    my far

    hey divy is that a fuel filter on it? if so how are u running ur fuel line?
  13. Trashthumpy

    My Backflip

    lol thats great man well done
  14. Trashthumpy

    sweet X4r

    whoaa!!! bloudy hell i need a towl
  15. Trashthumpy

    Tricks of the trade

    yeah thats what iv always bein told to? can someone clear this up?
  16. Trashthumpy

    SA 50's track petition

    i was at monarto on the weekend and the 50's track is coming alon very nicely it looking sik boys!
  17. Trashthumpy

    the mistery of the vanashing bearing.....

    ok man il do that, cheers
  18. Trashthumpy

    lol this had me laughing for like 5 min

    meh least his given it a shot without posting like 20 threads on the net on how to do it
  19. Trashthumpy

    Wierd engine noise

    yeah daniels on the ball with that one
  20. Trashthumpy

    pitpro RR before and after

    yeah man that looks way difernt looks good!