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  1. Custom

    My latest exercise in insanity

    This project is now for sale if anyone is interested
  2. Custom

    Swearing in posts

    Up to 3 weeks on chatbox already, i guess i had to much faith in people
  3. Custom

    mini chopper gear setup

    In theory that would work but in practise it may be a differnet bunny. All i can say is have a go and see what happens, i would like to see the results:)
  4. Custom

    Gear Position Sensor

    If its just for show (the reason i was going to do it) i cant see a problem. I can see the merits of a neutral light for some learner riders who have trouble finding neutral. If your looking at instiments instead of the road ahead you shouldnt be on a bike anyway imo
  5. Custom

    Gear Position Sensor

    I was going to do the same thing myself using the gear position indicator off a suzuki GS125. The N / gear switch is located on the stator side of the engine above the sprocket. As for wiring diagrams, your on your own there but a few minutes with a test light should sort you out
  6. Custom

    Atomik Nitrous

    Looks about the same length as a DHZ or any other long CRF style pitty. Cant give you an exact number cause i havnt seen one up close but i know a couple of blokes on here have them
  7. Custom

    Swearing in posts

    Alright im about ready to give up on this whole thing. Who hard is it not to swear, or use similar sounding words in the same context. I initaly joined this forum to get some help building my Z50 and as i learnt more i kept coming back to help others. I put my hand up when more mods were needed...
  8. Custom

    Mobile Mechanic for all minibike mods and repairs

    Thats a job i do lol. How ever i dont charge and can only help people in town. Some body hit me up!!! Im bored as hell, alternatly .....Skilled but unqualified mechanic seeking work in Kingaroy area or willing to move for secure work :D
  9. Custom

    Honda z50 Converting to Loncin 110cc

    This should help, ignore the wire colors on the CDI and just go by the pic. I would have posted this first up but i forgot i had it lol
  10. Custom

    Honda z50 Converting to Loncin 110cc

    Ok heres the plan for you, from the engine you only need the black/ red and blue/white. They go to the CDI and from there assuming you have a 5 pin CDI you should have red, black and black white left from it. Red goes to coil, black is earth with a branch to the kill switch ( honda 2 wire kill...
  11. Custom

    My land

    If i can find work out there i would consider pulling stakes here and moving across. Cant do the not working thing...been on the dole to long against my choise
  12. Custom

    Honda z50 Converting to Loncin 110cc

    The first set of wires sounds like the ones you want to be playing with, the others sound like the gear position indicator wires. I'll have a look at my Z tonight and see what i can do for you. I had the same problems with wiring the Lifan/Ji-Pin into it
  13. Custom

    The correct oil for your 140cc

    Im alittle worryed about the diesel oil idea.....ive heard of people using it in there car and destroying the motor in a mater of Ks
  14. Custom

    Top 10 Mini bikes to buy?

    Check post date guys
  15. Custom

    protective gear

    All ive been using for the last 10 years is that nolan Grex lid (i know...should replace it every 2 years:o ),sunnies/goggles, long sleave shirts, jeans and steel cap boots. Thats all you should need for trail riding. If you plan on getting silly/racing/jumping then get all the proper gear
  16. Custom

    My land

    I told Crazee about this.....she looked alittle to excited for comfort :eek:
  17. Custom

    New Pit Bike Parts Dealer

    Blimey i wish i had some spare cash:D
  18. Custom

    protective gear

    Aus standard is all ya need for safety but as far as comfort goes you'll want to get your lid from a shop so you might get a chance to try it on. I passed up a $160 helmet (supplyed) for a $100 Nolan Grex because the more expensive one gave me a headache
  19. Custom

    riding at broady tomorrow

    Im keen, pick me up at 8?:p
  20. Custom

    My latest exercise in insanity

    I only need a few more parts to finish it ( stator, chain and tube) The exhaust is in the works atm but its guna take awhile because my time is split between 2 other bikes and a car lol