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  1. Custom

    Swearing in posts

    2 weeks now people
  2. Custom

    what carby??

    You can run one or the other without any problems. This must come up atleast once a week. Aslong as you dont rev the engine past the stock limiter or hold it on the limit to long you should be right to have an IRK, lightened slinger or both
  3. Custom


    I would imagine that they would be ones made to fit. Could be carb tuning to
  4. Custom

    New SE Qld track in the works

    Hey guys i was just reading about the Db limits at Lakeside and was wondering if you would be able to run a custom made muffler if you got proof it was under the Db limit?
  5. Custom

    What's in a name?

    Coolmodee: My real name is Harley which is unfortunate because i hate them things lol
  6. Custom


    inner rotor kit
  7. Custom

    Are all 125cc oil cooled engins made by Jialing ?

    Im sure ive seen both Lifan and Ducar oil cooled 125s
  8. Custom

    best value bike on the market

    Mate your starting to sound like you work for them and are trying to boost sales/advertise
  9. Custom


    Are you running an IRK? if so it sounds like the pickup air gap is to wide. Or i could be a loose wire in the ignition
  10. Custom

    ducar.r.spec service

    Last login 28/8 no other usernames on his IP. You got me a bit suspicious there moto
  11. Custom

    What's in a name?

    I was sitting here browsing threads and got to thinking how some people chose their usernames so i thought i would give everyone the chance to tell everyone else. So tell us all how you came up with your username. I picked mine because i cant leave anything stock, would rather make than buy...
  12. Custom

    Klx 110 Bore Up

    You guys realise this thread is 2 years old?
  13. Custom

    need some help

    Try retyping your post with taking more care with your spelling and grammer and you might get some help. At a guess from what i could decipher i would say check all you wiring conectors and plug lead
  14. Custom

    2008 Lammas Group Pocket Rocket

    best bet is to ask the local cops where you would be able to ride it
  15. Custom

    Want to see a pitpro upsidedown?

    all i can say is :eek:
  16. Custom

    Camping spot QLD!

    Might i point out that he said this was his mum and sis so i dont think the after dark bit applys somehow. Cant help asfar as legally ridable campsites go. Can only sugest MX parks and getting your mum and sis a kart or rail so they can have abit of a blat too:p
  17. Custom

    Pit Pro 140cc Bigfoot

    Have a look at the thread for the handle bars and find out exactly what is going on there it might be worth asking the shop about what happened there. As far as fuel goes regular unleaded is 91, premo is 95 and the Vortec, Optimax etc are 98. I refuse to use anything below 95 octaine in any of...
  18. Custom

    Swearing in posts

    Im glad to see a bit of humor happening here and not screams of fury lol. Basically keep it PG and everyone will be happy. DDR: Incremental ie: going up in increments. Thesaurus: a book that has alternative words for most words in the english language. If in doubt grab a dictionary. Dictionary...
  19. Custom

    Swearing in posts

    ive added the time for the next ban to the first post so everyone knows where im up to (and so i dont forget:p)
  20. Custom

    My CRF

    Sure do...supercheap lol