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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. Custom

    z50J question

    Im in Kingaroy about 2 hours N/N/W
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    Swearing in posts

    I am getting quite sick of seeing all the swearing in peoples posts. In case everyone has forgotten there are kids on this site with parents that would quite quickly stop them coming here if they saw the language being used by some members and frankly i wouldn't blame them. So from this point on...
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    z50J question

    they are all much the same, as for go how does wheelstand every gear grab ya?:cool:
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    z50J question

    nah, was a bolt in fit.
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    z50J question

    Im only running the china because what was left of the engine when i got my Z wasnt worth saving lol, I've got thoughts about going 140-150 if i dont end up selling the bike:o
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    correct oil level lifan 150?

    Every sight glassed engine ive worked with the oil level is just below the top of the glass not running and half way down at idle. As for engines that need to have the oil level checked while running Type 4 VWs, early Porsches and the Type 2/Porsche hybrid engine me and my dad built for his...
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    boyesen powerwing

    At that price i would make one, if it even does anything
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    bought myself a 05 klx110!!!

    Infiddy pull ya head in, your just annoying people and watch the language, would hate to have to ban you
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    pocket bike bits (im emptying my shed)

    He dont have the gear any more, was sold along time ago. PM me with ya problems and i'll see if i can help you get yours running
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    atomik bikes..are they any good for a weekend bash?

    Atomik bikes arnt the best but they are far from being the worst either. They are good for a weekend basher aslong as you remember that they are a cheap china and will break if pushed to hard. That said my dad is still running a 05 Orian AGB21 as a trail runner without any problems inspite of...
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    Official Post pics of your bike Thread

    The 2 (out of 4) of mine that are running :D
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    ducar 138cc

    Use Silkolene 10/40. you wont regret it
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    Whats Your Favourite?

    Movie:The Fastest Indian Tv show:N/A Actor/Actress:as above Music:Old rock Comedian:People who think that their bike beats all in the face of evidence to the contrary Game:Tourist Trophy Mini/Pit Bike:Z50 Road Bike:early 80s BMW R 90s Dirt Bike:85 BMW R80 GS/PD ( no im not old:p)...
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    Help, what is this bike?

    Looks like one of those old father son build yaself a bike kits
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    fuel leak?

    its most likley the float level being just a touch to high, seen this problem a few times before. The drain tube also works as an overflow.
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    motor oil!!!

    Ive been running silkolene 10/40 in my knockoff lifan (JI-PIN) for almost 12 months with no hassels at all. Made a huge power difference over the castrol crap that was in it when i got it (better lubrication=more power)
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    2008 Lammas Group Pocket Rocket

    Its a 2 wheeled whipper snipper and i know most engines inside out if not backwards aswell:D
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    2008 Lammas Group Pocket Rocket

    Yeah they are first on the shopping list as we are running them around the backyard atm and tend to over heat them atleast twice each ride :o
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    2008 Lammas Group Pocket Rocket

    Try posting a want to buy in the classifieds :rolleyes:
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    September Fused Minis Photo Comp

    DO the stickers come in KLX style no point me entering otherwise lol