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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. cass38a

    Shaved Head

    My daughter has decided to shave her head in the World's Greatest Shave, If you can spare $10 or so for a good cause here is the link.World's Greatest Shave 2008 - Be brave and shave! Thanks
  2. cass38a

    Anybody want a job with crusty demons?

    If you have seen todays (Sydney Herald)paper there is a job advertised with Crusty Demons paying $110,000 per year.
  3. cass38a

    Last day on the job

    Well thats it (nearly) tomorrow will be my last day as a panelbeater and I will be back to office work. I have only been doing it for 5 years but I am 35 and its time for a change.
  4. cass38a


    I went to go for a ride yesterday and went to get a clean air filter (I have 5 spare clean ones ready to go) and found that a mouse had taken up residence in one of them. I suppose this is one of the drawbacks to oiling them with vegeatble oil so I will keep them in a container from now on.
  5. cass38a

    Last thread from Cass38a

    Hi guys, well this will be my last thread. After 8 years as A stay at home mum my wife is going back to work as of monday. This means more money for us and a good change for her, unfortunatly I will have to increase by domestic workload to cover all the crap that she does when I am at work...
  6. cass38a

    New Model Pit bike

    Check out the new AGB's they will be arriving in Australia late June or early July. Foolsp33d says: Sorry cass. i stuffed ya link.. when u relink them use the [IMG] codes please!?? was trying to edit em in.. not my day.. Ta mate.
  7. cass38a

    How to make the right choice.

    I thoutht I would start a thread to help people make good choices in life that wont make others question there sexual orentation. If you post a item as "gay" you must provide a "not gay" option. ie. Holden Barina = gay Holden Monaro = not gay Poodle = gay cattle dog = not gay Poison...
  8. cass38a

    Rip off

    Check out this $189 I bet he didnt sell many at that priceeBay Australia: Thumpstar Thumpster Motorbike Plastics Kit rrp $189 (item 170114983961, end time 28-May-07 22:13:54 AEST)
  9. cass38a

    Realy for Life (pleas read)

    Hi Girls and Guys My Daughter and a couple of her diasbled friends and their familys are doing a 24 hour relay to raise awareness and funds for the cancer council. (by default I will be pushing kids in wheelcharis around for hours on end this weekend). Please have a look at the following...
  10. cass38a

    so uncool

    I thought that I would start a thread where everybody could list something they do which is "uncool" but they don't care and do it anyway. I will start the ball rolling. I wear my pants too high (I am not a harry high pants but I cant handle having my pants feel like they are about to fall...
  11. cass38a

    Fork Plastics

    Does anybody know where you can buy the plastic things that go on the bottom of upside down forks to protect them from stones etc? I busted one off and need a new one (or a pair).
  12. cass38a

    Mixture screw no burnt fingers

    Hi guys I have made a special flexable screw driver to access my pilot mixture screw and it works really well. I will post some pictures but my wife has gone away with the camera (wife goes away I can play). First I got a flat head screwdriver and found some small tubing that was a tight...
  13. cass38a


    I thought I would start a new thread where we can list our mini related mistakes, and how we would fix them or what we would do different if we could start over (you may have paid money for a performance mod only to find it didn't work etc). I will start the ball rolling. I had enough...
  14. cass38a

    Piccolo builds a mini carrier

    Hi boys and girls, here is a few shots us building a Minibike Carrier for Piccolo. He is getting his new bike this weekend and needed a way to cart it. Its not finished yet a few small finishing touches and its going to get tail lights and a number plate. Cost so far is only $60- worth of...
  15. cass38a

    Minuki carby tune up.

    My bike (125cc Lifan) starts first go and runs perfectly in most conditions but...... when you twist the throttle real fast to 100% it dies momentarily. If you open it a fraction slower it accelerates no problem. Does anybody know what I can do to sort this?
  16. cass38a


    This may have already been linked but its worh watching again!
  17. cass38a

    Check out my new toy

    I know its not a mini but I bought it today for my daughter, She is in a wheelchair so can't ride a bike, but she can sit in the passenger seat of this baby and have some fun. What do you guys think [/IMG]
  18. cass38a

    Lets clean up the avatars

    I hate to be a whinger but it would be nice to be able to view this site without being subjected to images of anything other than mini bikes.
  19. cass38a

    Reinforced frame

    I lot of threads mention reinforcing the frame on your pit bike. What exactly are you guys doing to reinforce the frame? Do you have any photos that you could post to show what you did?
  20. cass38a

    warped brake disc

    I was floging my bike and the rear brake seized for no apparent reason. After cooling down for a few minutes it seemed to come good and I kept riding however I have now noticed that the disk is warped and grabs on a small section of each revolution. Any ideas if the brakes seizing caused the...