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Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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  1. elliotcocofishing

    Mini racing in Perth?

    Do they hold races for pit bikes in Perth? What are the classes? Thanks
  2. elliotcocofishing

    CRF50 Painting Parts

    Hey, I am planning on painting my frame and swingarm and touching up on a few bits. I currently have a Lime Green Five-O frame and black swingarm. I am not a huge fan of the green and the swingarm has nicks and scratches on it and looks a bit shabby. And my rear rim has quite a few scratches...
  3. elliotcocofishing

    Why should I get a mini?

    Why I love miniriders Hello, I like miniriders, that is all.
  4. elliotcocofishing

    Where can I buy Motoverts in Perth??

    I am looking for the new 2009 Motovert Pro 150. Where can I buy these? Can you please PM it to me. Thanks!!! =)
  5. elliotcocofishing

    Pitty Compression Problems - How do I fix?

    I have a DHZ150 **** bike, oops, I mean PIT bike :D and I have had some problems with compression, There is none. How can I fix this problem. THE SPARKPLUG IS IN TIGHT BTW. Cheers :)
  6. elliotcocofishing

    Spark Plug Doesn't Spark!

    Hey, I have a DHZ 150. I have gone through 2 spark plugs in 2 rides simply because the stop sparking.(Most likely because of it running rich, It has been fixed though) I put in a 3rd today and I kicked it and it didn't even sound like it wanted to spark. I took it out and did the "spark...
  7. elliotcocofishing

    Running Rich or Spark Plug?

    Hey, I had a review for my new DHZ 150 monster, great bike, pops wheelies in 4th gear. Anyway, when I fired it up today, I noticed smoke coming from exhaust, previously owning other 4 stroke (200cc pit bike, CRF250R) i know you shouldn't be able to see smoke from exhaust. Anyway I just...
  8. elliotcocofishing

    2008 DHZ 150 Moster Review

    Hi, I just purchased a DHZ 150 Monster off eBay. I paid $900 delivered to my door (in Perth). It came in a reasonably small cardboard box with a aluminium frame. It was packed in very tightly. I had to put on: Handlebars, Front wheel, rear fastace shocks and front mudguard. After I put...