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  1. DynaMic

    Orion TDR 125... guru help needed

    Thanks for all ya help. I ripped off the carb yesdy and its a 20mm with 24mm i ripped the carb off another old 125 its 24mm,this bike goes much harder so i'll try swappin them over once run in. as for the burnin oil,if that doesn't disappear i'm leanin towards faulty valve stem...
  2. DynaMic

    Orion TDR 125... guru help needed

    Gday,another new member here.Excellent web site,(sorry if i'm posting in the wrong section,couldn't find a new member section). I have a few dumb questions about my son's new bike. much and what weight? 2:Carby...its very small so what is the ideal size?i can get Mikuni 30mm for...