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  1. T

    Carby flooding randomly

    Big bump for this thread but I never actually fixed this problem. I started thinking about it again the other day for some reason and remembered that maybe 2 years ago I actually broke the gasket between the bowl of the carb and the top half. I have just been jamming it back in when I open the...
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    Carby flooding randomly

    Ok so I checked the jet - it's a 20 Cleaned the air flow screw which is 2 and 1/8th turns out Checked the float level as shown in the pic attached. Could this be where my problem lies? The fuel seemed to be level with the join across the middle of the carb when the bowl bolts on to the upper...
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    Carby flooding randomly

    Yep sorry, I meant to say 0.003 and 0.004 - I thought that looked wrong as I was writing it! Thanks for that My67, I'll measure it tonight and see where it's at. I'm guessing it should be roughly 1 inch below the top of the bowl. Thanks again! I'll try all of this tonight and see if I can...
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    Carby flooding randomly

    Thanks for the quick reply guys! I was hoping it would be something obvious but apparently not.. Gottaget: It definitely wasn't bent prior to the last time I went riding but I did wonder if that was the problem and adjusted it by about half a mm last night (probably shouldn't have)...
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    Carby flooding randomly

    Hey mini crew, Bike: Dhz 160 Engine: z155 Carby: Stock (mikuni 22mm i think) Problem: Bike idles and runs fine 90% of the time. If I snap the throttle it seems to flood the carby and not clear itself out. Example: Cruising along everything is fine, missed a gear and accidently revved...
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    What bike next?

    Hey mate, I posted a similar thread the other week which might be helpful for you: It will really depend on your personal preference but I feel that a 250f would probably be best choice for most people as it has endless power...
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    Mini-Mini, Razor pocket bike turned custom DirtBike

    That's pretty neat!! Good job :)
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    Help With Chosing A Big Bike

    Thanks so much for your informative replies everyone!! Seriously I've never had such helpful answers in a forum before :) I'm still a bit undecided but I think I will try and find a 125 and get it lowered as they are almost the same price as the 85 big wheels and I know I won't feel the need to...
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    Help With Chosing A Big Bike

    Hey guys, I'm hoping to upgrade to a new big bike this year and I'm having a lot of trouble deciding what to get due to my height. I'm 5'4", 65kg and 23 years old so I don't expect to be having any more growth spurts :cheeky-smiley-031: I sat on a yz85 big wheel yesterday and in terms of...
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    Help Please!

    I agree with Zorro. It's important to let it sit for an hour or more because the oil level must be measured when cold and when all the oil has drained back to the bottom of the motor.
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    air filter setup

    If it's a stock 50 then your stock carb is a 13mm and the largest carb you can put on it is a 17mm off a crf70. Any bigger and you will never be able to tune it properly. On the stock 13mm carb I just measured the size of the inlet for the air filter and went to my local moto shop and found one...
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    Are you a sitter or a stander?

    It could just be your bike setup making it hard for you to stand. On my stock crf50 it was extremely awkward to stand up but once I put the big bar kit on it made it much more doable/comfortable
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    Wheelies help !

    Cordogs I have the same problem man! I can wheelie all day long on my hardtail but on a 50 I find it so much harder to balance it out. All I can say is sit back further and keep your arms straight!
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    MiniMoto 2 Teaser Starring Bilco and Brad Rogerson!

    I don't mean to be rude but may I possibly ask - how much does it cost to produce a video like this roughly?
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    Should there be a Big bike of the month?

    Yeah but like someone else said there are a heap of big bike forums around that would do big bikes of the month regularly. Have a google for them :)
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    Should there be a Big bike of the month?

    Would there even be enough big bikes on here to make up more than one or two months?
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    Carb settings

    Jetting will be different on every bike, you need to a buy a jet kit like what my67xr linked and see what works best for you.
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    Anyone looking for an Apprentice?

    Yeah I probably wouldn't recommend the franchise bit. Goose I'm not sure if you've got your heart set on being a moto mechanic but if you haven't then have a think about what else is out there. I know the motorcycle mechanic thing would be interesting but it's not exactly a massively sought...
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    Sticky forks SOLVED

    Wouldn't that just compromise the seals ability to keep crap out of your forks and make the problem even worse over time? Maybe your forks would be happier with a rebuild?
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    Wheelies help !

    Oh yeah I get what you're saying. I have a hard enough time getting the front wheel up on my stock 50 so sitting as far back as possible has become natural to me :)